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Warm water washed over her feet as she buzzed in a crowded beach. The sun setting down as crowd lessened. The sand turning cold under her feet when she felt herself stopping to observe. Her eyes capturing the clouds turning red and pink, the ocean beneath the naked sky reflecting all the colours and the sun settling down. Taking a few steps back she sat down and acknowledging the fact that she was sitting diagonal to the man who brought her here, Dhruv.

She cannot forget that she had to walk to people of a foreign land and with foreign language as their mother tongue, walk miles to locate the car of the hotel from where it picked her, she cannot forget how he yelled at her for nothing, she cannot forget how he left her in a strange land. She remembers walking inside the suite, him looking worried and her ignoring him. She remembers asking him professionally about the appointment. She remembers making her breakfast instead when he offered one made by him.

She was angry and maybe the whole idea of his of bringing her on the beach after the ultrasound was for compensating. She was still upset but why not enjoy the fresh air, sunset and beautiful scenery for once.

His eyes eternally on her, he looked as she sat back on the sand and bent down with her face on her palms, her elbow standing on her knees. She was dressed in the dull yellow dress, her attire itself told she was upset.

He brought her here to apologize and to let her feel good about it but seeing how far she was and quite it troubled him.

Getting up he cleared his throat once he reached her.

She snapped back as he cleared his throat to gain her attention. Her eyes rested on his for a second and she jumped from her place. Rubbing the sand off her cloth she absents mindedly walked towards the car. He walked behind her and the car drove off in the busy street.

The awkward silence was ignored by her when he cleared his throat.

"You don't want to say something?" His voice void of blankness, it was filled with apology.

"What should I say? " she asked softly shrugging.

"Mr Singh you better know that we are back to square one. And I am fine with it." A sad smile dancing over her face.

"I will be comfortable this way too. It's good not to pull an act of friendship when we both know what is there between us, ah, a professional relationship." She looked out of the window leaving his guilty. He looked at her for a mild second nad turned back to the view of a busy street.


She read the newspaper kept beside her juice as she noticed him walking inside with his part of breakfast, dressed in black shirt and jeans, he did look like anyone who was up for an appointment.

Twisting her lips Anushka noticed herself, dressed in pale yellow jeans and white shirt she already looked like any patient, her hair tied in a messy bun, she sulked realising she was lazy enough to leave her hair that way.

"Are you done?" He asked as he looked at her who was reading the same page of a newspaper since like an hour.

She nodded briefly and gulped the leftover juice in one go, walking to her bedroom she took the files and her purse with more money than before, in case he would leave her again and then maybe she would prefer booking cab than walking miles to get to the stoppage.

They soon left for the hospital and she very well knew that she was not in the talking terms with him, not after what stunt he pulled yesterday. Asking for her appointment herself Anushka walked to the doctor's cabin and under the guidance of nurse soon changed into the hospital gown.

While Dhruv very well knew he won't be welcomed so he decided to take the fertility test and give his semen for testing this time with a 'different' way.


It was noon when Anushka woke up from her sleep, she asked the doctor if she could sleep when the doctors were discussing her report and she was glad the doctor accepted her offer. She walked into the room, in the doctor's office after getting dressed back and noticed Dhruv already there. He looked at her and she could see him worried. Nodding her head she sat beside him.

"Till now the process is working as planned, you don't have to take the injections anymore. The procedure will soon start maybe day after tomorrow after we get to know the results of the fertility test. " Anushka nodded concluding that he gave the fertility test today since it only takes a few hours to check.

"So I need to visit the day after tomorrow?" She confirmed

"Here, can you take my number and contact me as well with Mr Singh?" She asked and she could feel Dhruv snapping his head and literally glaring at her.

"Sure!" Doctor smiled.

. . .


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