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She quickened her steps behind him, trying to cope up with his steps. She wanted to stop him and scream at him, that he was tall and fast. 

It was noon already and they were here for an hour now. Anushka was tested a few months back but she was supposed to give her blood again for the tests and the same was with Dhruv. 

In the midst of an hour or whole thirty-six hundred seconds, Anushka being a good observant had easily observed Dhruv being a very patient man who loved his time a lot, and that makes him impatient at times. 

He had offered her food from the canteen just after they had given the blood but she had denied it softly.

Yesterday when she had returned back after their small meeting she had lied down on the rug and stared at the ceiling for another hour trying to figure out her own feeling, was she ready to be mother of someone's else's child, was she ready to carry a baby and abandon it after nine months. 

She knew what it takes to be a mother, a big heart. 

And that is why she is going to be a mother once again.

She had searched all the missionary school's with hostels, for her little daughter. 


She remembered the class of the hospital, they were told that if the real parents want the egg donor to live at their own place, they should be ready and Dhruv wanted her to. She was sure she would not be able to see her daughter every day but she will try to make it often.


"You there?" His voice pulled her back. She flushed at her zoomed out state, she brushed the hair off her neck and nodded.

She walked through the door he had opened for her and all of the whiteness in the room didn't brighten her much. She passed the smile to the doctor.

"Miss Singh. It's good to see you." His voice precise, as if he was taught to say that every day.

"To you too, doc." She smiled sitting as Dhruv again pulled a chair for her.

She blushed, she wanted to tell him, she could do this by herself. 

She had hands of her own, duh.

"So far we have taken your blood Mr Thakur and the tests would be here tomorrow. Considering your previous tests, we expect all the tests to be positive." Dhruv nodded and Anu raised her eyebrows on nothing particular, her mind wavering off to the last name baby would get, Thakur.

"Miss Singh, I think you have been conducted through the whole procedure for a whole week considering the hospital suggested your name," Doc asked Anushka, she nodded smiling dimly.

Dhruv started Anushka for brief seconds when she answered the doctor, her way of talking, her posture everything screamed confidence. Dressed in a pale pink kurta and blue jeans she looked fine to him.

He had read her report, for the understatement he was impressed with whatever choices she made on the papers of the report, it was perfect genes he could expect his baby to have out of all the reports. He was sure they were going to reach the level where for the next whole year both would not have their so-called personal life and he was ready for it.

"You have any doubt?" Doctor asked. 

"Yeah, where is Dr Joseph?" Dhruv straightened, his voice snapped and he looked like he was waiting for time to finally ask this question to someone.

"Dr Joseph would not be here from Spain, Sir." The doctor nodded briefly.

"But isn't he the best?" Dhruv shrugged, his voice accusing because they were supposed to meet Joseph.

"He is, but his visa expired and he had few pending cases their, next week." 

"Well, then get our visas ready." Dhruv shrugged.

"What?" Anushka snapped her neck towards Dhruv. He looked shocked at her sudden reaction as she breathed in.

"I.. Sorry. But what?" She asked.

"Miss Singh, we had already told you about our international programmes. That is the reason why the hospital made your passport." The doctor tried calming the situation pointing out.

"But..I..I thought it was for an emergency." Her voice was small.

"No. It was the programme to be operated with best doctor. Many parents prefer going to abroad for best treatment." Doc tried consoling her. His voice soft and smile fake. 

She looked down and fidgeted with the mobile in her hand. 

"Well then get out visas ready?" Dhruv's voice was still, he didn't sound angry or consoling. He just wanted to have his baby really quick.

"Right away," Doctor nodded dialling the number on his telephone.

Dhruv turned to her, his eyes narrowing at her, she was sad and nervous.

He was sure he wasn't paying for consoling a lady in here, he was sure talking unwantedly with Anushka wasn't his business, but he had to.

"We will be back from Spain as soon as you are declared pregnant. " His voice too small for her to here but she heard. She looked at him with glittery eyes as if she could cry any minute.

She was sure she never expected she would be travelling to Spain to get herself a baby. What was Spain? A baby giving country or what? 

She wanted to scream at Dhruv that they could stay in India and have the baby here, she wanted to tell him she already has a baby, a six-year-old girl with cute little piggy tail.

 And she was already scared to leave her daughter 

 .  .  .

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I am going to update every day for this whole week. See you tomorrow.

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