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Please read the previous chapter. :)

It was early this morning when Dhruv had to leave for his work for the important meeting, considering Anushka had slept late he didn't visit her this morning and left after meeting his sister and commanding the cook to serve healthy food to both mother and daughter duo.

It was ten in the morning when Anushka felt the space beside her, her arms stretched as she tried locating her daughter who had slept too close the previous night. She was sure her daughter would be splattered on some corner of their queen-sized bed but soon realization has drawn on her as she woke up scared that she lost her daughter. 

Throwing the duvet away from her body, she rushed to the attached washroom and then backyard but her fear tolled when she realized her little explorer would have instead gone inside the house and would be scrutinizing over the expensive detail of the house. 

Rushing out she tried finding her daughter, who was sitting in the garden with a small flower in her hand, her eyes scrutinized as she tried reading the part of the hibiscus. 

"What are you doing?" She roared considering her anger

"Mumma," Maira exclaimed as she stood up on her small feet.

"Look at this."She forwarded the flower towards Anushka. 

Maira had learnt about hibiscus long back, she was taught about their parts and had seen the diagram but seeing it so close to her and in her hand made her fascinated.

"This isn't our house, you should inform me before roaming,"Anushka replied instead.

"Who is she?" Maira had instead asked looking behind Anushka at the lady dressed in a pale blue gown, Dhruv's sister whose eyes squared at Maira hearing her voice.

"A...m..." Her voice trailed as her posture trembled, her voice blocking and breathe heavy.

Anushka pulled Maira behind her back, she wasn't sure what happened to Dhruv's sister. She was acting weirdly as if she just witnessed the ghost.

Her scream roared as she held the door of the entrance and her body falling limply on the floor, her hands closed her ears as she screamed aloud. The loud 'No' vapouring around the room.

"Di?" Dhruv's voice fell behind her scream as he rushed out from his car. 

Anushka had become a statue at the turn of events, she could not make out what went wrong.

"Di?" Dhruv mumbled hiding her face in his chest as he rubbed his hands on her back and rubbed her hair. 

"He...She looks." Di's voice trembled as she glanced behind Anushka scared.

"What?" Dhruv snapped his head at Anushka as she held her daughter tightly behind her.

"The girl."Dhruv narrowed his eyes at Anushka, slowly leaving his sister in the arms of the nurse he rushed towards Anushka in fury, Anushka tried stepping back holding her daughter more closure to her but it was already late, he had pulled the girl by her arms harshly and had already looked at her face, the replica of the face of his sister's rapist.


Anushka pulled her daughter more closure to her, her arms tightened around Maira's waist as they sat on the bed. Anushka kept whispering good calm words dipped in honey for Maira to calm down. She was sure her daughter would be scared of the harsh encounter this morning. 

When Anushka had never expected something like this would hurdle her life she was also sure that someday there would backfire.

Her eyes running across the room as she tried gasping the fact that her brother, whom she had last seen three years ago had raped someone brutally and that was no one else but Dhruv's sister. 

Maira physically resembled her brother in most of the way, but could the father be recognized by his daughter?

"They are our friends baby" She voiced out.

"No!" Maira mumbled on her mother's shoulder. 

The scream, pull, shout, and last night fire had made her scared, as the little girl whimpered. She was scared of the hibiscus too, on which Dhruv brutally stepped.

"Yeah, baby. They are just angry." 

"I don't like them, Mumma." She cried.

Anushka rubbed her back as she tried putting her little kind cherry to sleep. It took her another twenty minutes to make her sleep. After pulling the duvet over the body Anushka walked out the talk to Dhruv.


His posture too hard for her, he looked at her as she took hold of the glass of water waiting for him to question her. He ruffled his hair to get away with a newfound headache, his head exploding with all the things happening and the realisation that he is going to have a baby with someone who is related to therapists. 

Clearing her throat Anushka looked up, she was on her fourth month now and somewhere because of her loneliness, Anushka had managed to get connected with the baby, she had started talking to it and now when the truth of her brother was coming out she didn't know how the situation was going to go.

"Who is that young girl?" He roared.

"My daughter." She mumbled. Her voice rolling raw down her throat.

"Who is the father?" He mumbled dangerously. 

"I didn't give her birth." Her voice raw, she stood up walking away from him to another corner.


"She is my brother's daughter." She shifted uncomfortably as she tried avoiding the topic. Her gaze was still on her feet. She was crying and she didn't want him to see her like this.

Dhruv's mouth dried up, his eyes narrowed as the realisation dawn over him, his baby was going to have the blood of a rapist.

"Where is he?" He asked

"I don't know!" Anushka mumbled.

"He raped my sister, he made her what she is right now. Don't help him Anushka. Where is he?" His voice fell low.

"I don't know Dhruv. "

The silence reached its peak when Dhruv shifted his gaze to her small pouch.

"We are going for an abortion."He declared. 

. . .

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Sorry for kafi late update. 

Instagram - ssayswhatt

Next Update - 13.07.2020

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