Terrible tuesday

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 Ughhh its only Tuesday. I am really ready to just get to the weekend. Not that I am excited about this whole going  clubbing thing. I just really don't wanna be at school.

Bzzzz. I reached and grabbed my iphone out of my pocket. It was caseless so I really don't want to drop it.

I will be home today. I am getting off work early, so feel free to go to a friends house or do something fun as long as your not breaking the rules.. :) Just remember to be home at a reasonable time and txt me where your going. Love you lots xoxoxoxox- Mom

       At that moment I was paying more attention to my phone then to where I was walking and  I smacked into someone.My nightmare came true I dropped my iphone."No no no please don't be broken. I am so sorry I didn't mean to bump into you ughhh. "

I looked up and saw Hayden smirking at me."So you bump into me again. Im starting to think your doing this on purpose. Lets just hope you didn't crack my iphone."

Ughhh why did it have to be him if I knew it were him I never would have apologized "What do you mean again? This time it may have been my fault, but the first time.... was all on you! "

We both bent over and grabbed our phones and instead of saying something I jumped up and rushed off because I really didn't feel like hearing his lame excuses.

I looked down at my phone. And literally jumped in the air with abig whoop because thankfully it wasnt cracked. I mean I really need to get a case. I shoved it in my pocket and rushed to class.


By the time lunch came around I was starving. Today just isn't my day because usually we have good food but on todays menu it was slimy chicken on a bun. Seriously gag in my mouth.

"Hey there skank." I turned around to Elli the only person who doesnt offend me with her rude names.

 "Sup Biatch"Sshe just chuckled and took one look at the menu "Omg seriously looks like Ima go hungry!"

We got in line and they forced it on our plate but we made up for it by grabbing soup and fruits. I guess sides are better than nothing and we can always get as many scoops as we want.

"So we gonna hang today since you owe me some us time." Ellie asked

"Yeah my mom already said she will be home early so we can go straight after school"

"Score! So you up for some video games then?"

"Omg yes you know I cant resist" I said smiling as we made our way back to our lunch table..which was an ordinary table in the crowd of the unknowns. Just where we like it.

She chuckled and we begun to dig in to our food. We caught sight of Rebeccas table pointing at Henry. He was labeled the school emo. He was actually a really nice person. I had talked to him once or twice and he also had a major crush on Jenna ,one of Rebeccas popular friends.

We watched as  Jenna strut over their holding her hands behind her back. She bent down to whisper something to him as she sneakily slid a slimy chicken sandwhich in his bag. and giggled before beginning to walk away. She slowly turned her black hair whipping around glaring at me with her blue eyes.

Without even thinking I screamed "Hey!" and  I couldn't believe I did that. She slowly turned her black hair whipping around glaring at me with her blue eyes. And I was lost for words way to go Payton.

Elli cut in before I could say something stupid."You know you don't have to be such a bitch all the time! " Aww she always helped me out of situation even when I started it.

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