The Bad the Best and the Worst

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👾Pays pov 👾

Monday came and I was fully ready to get my answers from Hayden. I was pretty sure I hadn't done anything to piss him off but who knows. I mean I understand we weren't on the lets hang out everyday and make besties bracelets level of friendship but I am pretty sure we were more than just aquaintences.

Sure we were off to a bad start but hell I like having him as a friend. He is fun and actually a decent person. Still and arrogant asshole but a decent arrogant asshole.

Which is why I want to keep our friendship.

"What are you thinking so hard about ?" Ellie asked asked as I was finishing getting ready for school. I turned around to look at her already ready in her skinny jeans combat boots and tank top.

"Nothing really just thinking about cornering people and smiting them with lighting of fury until they give me answers and decide not to ignore me" I stated casually.

She just looked at me and smiled " Hayden never text back?"

"No and I have no idea why?" I said with a slightly angry face.

When I looked at her she had this smirk and knowing look on her face.

"What!" I asked after I couldn't figure it out....usually I could read her facial expression so this one bugged me because it couldn't be what I thought she was saying.

"Oh nothing " She said.

Just by that I knew exactly what she was thinking. That I have a crush on Hayden. Honestly I don't it was just a passing feeling I got from hanging out with a super cute boy. As much as I want I can't deny that he's a looker because well he is but so are half the guys in our school sooo.

And anyways I am dating a super crush worthy butterflies in my stomach guy named Devon'. So she can shut her piehole but I don't need to state any of this to her like I'm trying to make a case or somethin so I just shrugged it off with a simple "whatever " and walked to the car.

As we jumped in the car we put in a cd and blasted fall out boy all the way to school. It was so loud that we had to take a few minutes to readjust to the normal sound range.

I walked through the halls searching through the crowd and the only thing that would make it more obvious would be if I had binoculars. I spotted Dustin and figured Hayden would be somewhere near or on his way and I would be paying close attention so I wouldn't miss him.

I walked over to Dustin an since he wasn't paying attention I decided it would be the best time for a spine punch.... so I did just that.

"Ahh what the hell." He said as he all but dropped to the ground an I couldn't help but laugh.

"Why the long face." I said smiling because it felt like I hadn't seen him in ages and I needed some Mac and cheese time.

He turned around when he heard me and just laughed it off " You know I missed you to but every time you miss someone you can't just go around punching them."

I pulled a frowning pouty face " But , But why not? "

"Only you Cheeseroni only you " He said as he pulled me into a squeezing hug.

" Uhh just because you miss someone doesn't meen you can go around squeezing people to death." I said teasing him.

And he pulled the same frowny face as I did but most likely much much better and more attractive.

" But why not ?" He said as his face slowly slid back into a smile.

I playfully punched his arm.

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