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I woke up to a phone call .my phone kept playing paradise by Coldplay which was one of my favorite songs and I decided to pick it up not even checking the time

"hello" I said in my mega tired voice

"hey Pay its Grace I'm home and I'm sorry for waking you up and I know its like errr uh late but can u pick me up from the airport my parents aren't answering and I don't want to be stuck here and plus we need to talk so could you come pick me up please please please" what the hell was she talking about it being late its early. A little excitement grew in me Grace is home I had been waiting to see her she left 2 months ago on a missionary trip to Africa and she wasn't able to call us

"of course I will I'm getting ready right now" I said jumping up and putting clothes and shoes on she gave me all the details on where to pick her up as I ran downstairs she had already hung up and when I opened the door I was surprised to see it was dark I looked at the time 3 am so thats what she meant by early. I just hope I didn't wake anyone up when I was running down the stairs. I had a text from Hayden reminding me that he was picking me up early and I replied with a simple ight dawg

I got in my truck and turned the radio on to wake me up and drove the 30 minute drive to the airport I was actually really excited I loved Grace she was an odd person but so was I and all the other company I keep if you're not at least a little odd then you are probably not going to have that much fun. and she was fun to hang around and she was one of the few who knew about my cancer. When she got in the car she huffed " i'm really tired and I know I begged you to drive all the way here and pick me up but can we talk when we get to your house I want to take a 30 minute nap"

"Go right ahead it doesn't bother me you prolly had a long trip home anyway and stories will be so much better to hear when you're up and quirky " I said with wink

She layed back in the seat and rested her head on the window and yawned thanking me for picking her up as she closed her eyes a she was out just like that.

I decided I would go to my house because I didn't want to wake anyone up at Ellies and tell her the details when we got to my house seeing as I had to get ready for the party there I still had no idea what I was going to wear since Ellie was sick and not going and she was supposed to pick my outfit out for me

I pulled up to my house and she opened her eyes but still looked awfully tired and I guess you should be when you just got back from a trip to Africa. she must be absolutely exhausted . and even seeing her this tired I would still trade her life of excitement for my boring one I mean i had never even been out of this country and she had been to more than I could count .I walked around to her side of the car and opened the door

she looked like she was about to fall asleep just sitting there with the door open "you want a piggy back ride"

" aww you're a lifesaver Pay" she said jumping on my back and she wasn't even heavy infact she looked like she lost weight and not that she was big before she was actually skinny but losing those pounds didn't affect her at all she still looked gorgeous even in her tired state and I carried her all the way to the door up the stairs and plopped her on my bed and then jumped down beside her we laid there in silence I must have been really tired to because before I knew it I was asleep

I woke up with a little excitement remembering that Grace was home and I texted Ellie to let her know I was at home not letting her know Grace was back because I figured she would want to surprise her. Grace walked out of the bathroom looking like her usual sunshine self again if you looked at her you never would have thought she had been on a plane for hours.

"so why are you home early" I asked curiously because she was not supposed to be home for another week

" my preachers sister is in the hospital so we all flew back early but its only by a week and it kind of sucks having to leave them because even though its a week to you and me to them its like months so im probably going to go back and plus i had a lot of fun and I have a lot of amazing stories to tell" Typical Grace always caring about everyone else she was the most caring selfless person i had ever met I was actually pumped to hear all the stories about Africa because I had never been out of America and her stories were absolutely amazing................ she told me stories about the poor children there that brought me to tears and happy stories about dancing children and all the animals she saw she explained them with so much excitement and detail that i actually thought i was there

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