Leilei x Honoka : Valentine's Day

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It was Valentine's Day. The day where lovers stay close to us and become their Valentine.(I don't know about Valentine's Day sorry my country don't celebrate it)

Honoka was at school always surrounded by fan girls. "Here, have my chocolate""No!! Have mine instead!"

The fan girls are giving chocolates and gifts to Honoka.

"Ladies, please. I'll have all of your chocolates and gifts." The fan girls cheered. Leilei was walking in the hallway until he saw a crowd full of ladies.

'Honoka must be in the crowd' Leilei thought in his head. "Honoka!"Leilei shouted. "Yeah?! Is that you Leilei?!"Honoka shouted as well. Leilei wal towards the crowd.

"Sorry, ladies. I need to talk to my friend. Please put away you're Valentines gifts ." The fan girls were muttering and whispering with an angry look. The girls walked away with gifts still with them. Hey! What is your problem, idiot?!" Honoka said it with an angry look.

"When I see you with your fans, it looks like your stuck in a forest." Leilei replied. "Your just jealous of me. I'm famous, okay?" Honoka said it with his fist on his chest. "I'm not jealous.t's annoying and I don't care that your famous."

Leilei and Honoka walking through  the hallway while chatting." Hey, didn't you told me you needed to talk with me?

You interrupted me when my fans was about to give me some Valentine gifts."

Honoka asked. Leilei stopped in front of him. Honoka was surprised. Leilei smiled and said "Speaking of Valentine gifts, the cooking club members let me the cooking class. The have a lot of chocolates, fruits and creams. Their kitchen is full of Valentine's stuff. I was thinking if we could make some chocolates together."

Honoka then look down in confused.

"Together...Together? Wait did you just said together?" Honoka asked with his blushing face. "Together because it's really boring to do it alone." said Leilei while holding Honoka's  hand.

Leilei suddenly asked "Eh? Honoka, your face is red. Are you alright?" Honoka jumped "W-what?! N-no! I'm fine, really!...Let's just...go."

Leilei smiled widely. Leilei took Honoka to the cooking class while holding Honoka's hand. 'What is this feeling? My heart won't stop beating Do I...really...like him?'.

Honoka thought in his head. Soon, they arrived at the cooking class. The door was decorated with hearts, ribbons and roses. "Wow, that's amazing! They even decorate the door. Wher are the cooking club members? And why did they leave their club room decorated?" Honoka replied.

Leilei replied "Well, all of the cooking club members were already in a relationship. So they decided to leave the club room decorated for lovers to enjoy making some chocolates. They went out with their lovers."

Honoka blushed "L-l-lovers?!""Oh, relax. I don't have a lovers. But I have a friend. ".

Honoka looked at Leilei.

Leiei smiled again. "A friend, huh? Well, whet are you waiting for? Open it." said Honoka.

"Okay" Leilei opened the door. Honoka was so surprised to see the club room. "Woah! This place is beautiful. They have rose petals on the floor. Their dining table is very elegant. Their walls is decorated with Valentine quotes."

"Well, I-I'm glad y-you liked it." said Leilei with blushing face. Leilei closed the door and walk towards the kitchen while Honoka is still admired by the cooking club. "Hey, Honoka. Didn't you remember? Were here to have some fun making some chocolate."

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