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*Sherlock and John return home from the park with Rosie. John carefully lifts Rosie out of the pram and carries her to her crib which is upstairs. Sherlock heats up some warm milk for her in her special bottle. He hands it to John which then John starts feeding her. She refuses drink any more. John lifts the bottle away and goes washes it. Sherlock turns her little nightlight on and closes the door to let her sleep. John goes on his chair and logs onto his laptop, the home screen comes up and there's an adorable of him and Sherlock kissing under a tree in a park. John smiles a lot, thanks baby for the home screen I love it. Sherlock gives him a wink in return and goes on his sliver iPhone 6s. John goes over to him and gives him lots of short but sweet kisses all over Sherlock's face. Sherlock smiles, slowly it drops when he reads a certain tweet. He shows John it, it reads Hello little bro I'm good I've changed but here no one believes me will you try and help me escape? Sherlock looks at John what shall we do, John replies maybe we should go see her and see how she is and then make up a plan. Sherlock says that's brilliant my baby John pushes him against the wall and snogs him for over 5minutes. They phone Molly up to look after Rosie, She arrives and goes up to see the boys. Hello the Baker Street boys, they both reply hello Molly. Sherlock says Rosie is in my room she's sleeping, plus she's recently been fed so she shouldn't bother you to much. They both say bye Molly thank you so much, Sherlock smiles and John waves. She replies bye boys. Sherlock grabs a taxi and opens the door for his boyfriend, after you my army man winks. John gets in and says thank you my detective, Sherlock get's in not long after John get's in. Sherlock closes the taxi, Sherrinford please. Taxi start's driving. Sherlock leans into John and their lips slowly touch, they both enjoy it. Sherlock puts his arms around John's face, John puts his hands on Sherlock's shoulders. They slowly pull apart as soon as the taxi rolls up to the entrance of Sherrinford. Sherlock pays the taxi driver then gets out of the taxi the same time John does. Sherlock leads the way while John walking beside Sherlock holding his hand tightly. Sherlock gets through security and sees Eurus. Heyy sis he says, Eurus gets up and says heyyy bro aww I always knew you were gay for John. They see how lovely and charming she's turned out, John distracts the two guards guarding her cell, while Sherlock is helping her escape. John meet's Sherlock outside, Sherlock comes out 5 minutes later with Eurus. He secretly put's a tracking device on her shoe where she can't feel it when she walks. They all grab a taxi home to 221B, Eurus pays and smiles at them both. Sherlock and John leads her in. She goes up to the living room, she places herself on the sofa they have. She has published a few books and she's got a few thousand each book she writes. Sherlock turns on the news and see's the breaking news saying that Eurus Holmes is now a famous writer for kids and adults. Sherlock and John both turn to her and look in shocked. Sherlock responses back with wow sister that's amazing, John replies with a big smile on his face. Molly come's out of Sherlock's room, hey boys oh and hey Eurus well done on your books she shows Eurus the two books she's brought that Eurus wrote. Molly asks sweetly please may you sign these, smiles and hands her the books. Eurus signs them, she smiles back anytime. Molly leave's. 2 hours later Eurus says goodbye the boy's and hugs them both, she leave's. She buy's a rich house on the other side of London she starts a family. She gives Sherlock recent updates on her family. Every Sunday at 7:00pm she FaceTime's the boy's just to keep in touch. Eurus slowly becomes very famous and she's gone Global, she has every social media, she has over 15Million followers on Instagram.*

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