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*Sherlock wakes up turns to see if John's awake. John is still sleeping peacefully, Sherlock snuggles up to John and slowly kisses his forehead. John turns and mumbles but still asleep. Sherlock goes to have a shower. John slowly starts to wake up, tiredly says Sher..., Sherlock comes in naked just finished his shower yes baby. John gets up and hugs him tightly, Sherlock hugs back and says we got that convention today. John nods yep, John takes a shower while Sherlock gets dressed. John comes out and gets dressed into normal season 4 clothes, Sherlock is in his normal season 4 clothes too.  They both have a coffee before grabbing a taxi to the ExCel centre in London. The taxi drops them off outside, their bodyguards come to meet them and then led them the way of were they will be sitting meeting fans. Sherlock sits down next to where John is meant to be sitting, John sits down slowly while checking everything on their table. The bodyguards say we are behind you if you need us but you should be okay. John says thank you, Sherlock says thank you shortly after. 2 hours pass and fans start coming in, Sherlock opens his water and takes a few sips before putting the lid on and putting it down on the table. 2 fans walk up to John and Sherlock, Sherlock and John both smile at them. Sherlock asks them what was their favourite season. One girl replies season 4, the other girl says season 2. Sherlock signs a photo of himself and hands it to one of the girls in front of him. John does the same for the girl in front of him. Sherlock and John both say at the same time bye girls thanks for coming. 5 hours have passed and Sherlock has signed over 450 photos of himself and John has signed 400. The ExCel centre starts closing up. Sherlock turns to John well that was a tough day, gets up and smiles. John replies yes very busy but it's a nice thought to think that we are famous all throughout the world . Sherlock says yes it's a lovely feeling. Let's go out for dinner before heading home. John nods yeah sure fine by me honey. They start walking, John holds Sherlock's hand tightly. They go to a lovely French restaurant, Sherlock pulls John's chair out for him, John sits and says well thank you kind boyfriend. Sherlock responds with no problem,  he sits in his own chair and passes a menu to John. John smiles at Sherlock, they both study the menu to see what sounds nice. Sherlock says I'm having the Cordon Bleu. (Which involves a large thin piece of veal wrapped around some ham and cheese and then breaded and fried.) John says okay then I'll have the Bouchée à la Reine. (That's basically like a Cornish Pasty but posher.) The waiter comes and says what would you like to drink, Sherlock looks at John. Beer please. Waiter turns to Sherlock and you sir, the same thanks. Are you ready to order boys? They both reply with yes, John says please may I have the Bouchée à la Reine. Waiter says and you sir, please may I have Cordon Bleu. Waiter says of course and goes to get the drinks. John looks deeply into Sherlock's eyes. They are truly beautiful your eyes Mr.Holmes. Sherlock smiles and then says so are yours my sexy Dr.Watson. The waiter comes with the drinks and the food and says enjoy boys. John and Sherlock start eating. This is really nice they both say. After 10minutes they both have finished their meals. Waiter comes and collects the two plates. Sherlock drinks some of his beer and gets a little white moustache on his top lip. John chuckles before going up to Sherlock and licking it off his lips. Sherlock starts to get turned on and dribs a bit. John finishes his beer before Sherlock, but Sherlock finishes his soon after. They both get up, John waits outside and Sherlock goes pays the waiter. Sherlock slowly walks out to see John. Sherlock gives John a massive kiss, John says lets get home and we can cuddle up by the fire. They start walking, they soon get to 221B. Sherlock opens the door to let John in first, John gets in thanks baby. Sherlock follows while closing the door behind them both. John lights the fire, Sherlock lies on the floor, John lies too him and cuddles Sherlock tightly. They both cuddle up by the fire.*

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