Christmas Day

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*John wakes up and he's the first one up, he checks the time it's 5:45am. He yawns, looks over to Sherlock who's sleeping deeply. John smiles before going down he see's all the presents all from Sherlock. He goes into the dining room and see's all the presents he got for Sherlock. John starts to make a cup of tea it's now 6:05am. John starts to hear excited footsteps upstairs, he smiles before taking a sip of his tea. Sherlock comes racing down the stairs and shouts MERRY CHRISTMAS BABY. John replies Merry Christmas Sherlock. He goes to see John, can I get my Christmas kiss. John nods and kisses him hard. Sherlock kisses hard back and puts arms around him. John slowly pulls away, and holds his hand and leads Sherlock to all his presents John brought him. Sherlock's mouth drops open and eyes widen he's so shocked he can't speak. Turn's to John and his face say's thank you. John smiles and says no problem baby. John goes to him and screams THANK YOU SHERLOCK!! They both start unwrapping, Sherlock studies each one carefully and John loves them all. After 2 hours pf unwrapping they are finally finished. Sherlock goes to John and thanks him kisses his cheek slowly. John hugs him tightly thank you so much. Sherlock smiles shall we cook this Xmas dinner together, looks at John, yes sure why not. Sherlock turns the oven on 180 they both start chopping and cutting. Those 4 hours they never stopped laughing and having fun. It's finally done and John serves it up, Sherlock pours the red wine in 2 tall, wide glasses. John fills the dishwasher and sets it off to wash all of those things they used to make the dinner. Sherlock lights a candle in the middle and sits opposite where John should be sitting. John sits opposite Sherlock, Sherlock raises his glass this is to the best Xmas and I'm spending it with the man of my dreams. They clink aww Sherlock that was heart warming. Sherlock winks and starts eating, John copies and eats. They finish after 30mins. Wow that was amazing they both say. John smiles and collects the plates to wash them. Sherlock moves to the living room carrying the two wine glasses. John comes in waits for Sherlock to place the glasses down, he places them down and goes to John yes honey. John pins Sherlock to the wall and gives him lots of little kisses and places and on Sherlock's dick. Sherlock smiles and tries to hold the groan in but it comes out. They both go and sit on the sofa and the fires on. John turns on the TV, they both watch some crap telly while making out on the sofa as the sky gets darker.*

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