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*They both wake up and realise that they fell asleep on the sofa. Sherlock wakes up and tickles John to try and get him up. John slowly wakes up and gives Sherlock a tiredly kiss which then turns into a hug. Sherlock smiles before hugging back, Sherlock asks John if he would like to share the shower with Sherlock. John gets so excited he's up and ready to go, Sherlock grabs his hand and leads him upstairs to where the shower is. Sherlock undresses John while John is undressing Sherlock. They hop in Sherlock turns the shower on and slowly kisses John's soft neck as the water splashes down on them. John smiles before groaning a bit when Sherlock gets harder. Sherlock pulls away and sprays John on his chest with the shower. John giggles and hits the water to Sherlock. They both laugh together before getting out. Sherlock gets out and waits for John so he can put the towel on him. Sherlock sucks some of the water of John. John groans before grabbing onto Sherlock's shoulders. Sherlock smiles and wraps a towel on himself. Leads the way to the bedroom where they'll be packing their suitcases. John gets dressed and then feeds Rosie and packs all the things she needs, Sherlock gets dressed and starts packing all the stuff he needs. John packs his suitcase, Sherlock takes his phone so he can install Twitter and tweet on it. Sherlock lifts Rosie in her pram and puts her behind them, Sherlock double checks if he has everything before grabbing it and then going to Rosie. John is ready so he follows behind Mr.Holmes. Sherlock walks out of 221B and gives John the key so he can lock it. Sherlock calls for a taxi and opens the boot to put their baggage and the pram, John lifts Rosie up and sits in the back with her. Sherlock closes the boot and gets in next to John, he shuts the door then the taxi driver starts driving to the airport. John looks at Sherlock excitedly, Sherlock responds with a nice, big smile. They arrive at the airport about 1hour of driving, they get out Sherlock getting all the stuff in the boot. John puts Rosie in the pram before pushing her, Sherlock grabs those trollies for baggage he starts pushing the trolley next to John. They both go to the tickets person to check their tickets, she accepts them and tells them to go on the second floor and wait their till they call for their plane. They grab the lift which takes them to second. They exit the lift and have a wonder around the airport shops. John points out this perfume which is £500 for a small bottle which is half a litre. They both laugh, Rosie starts crying quietly. John pulls out her bottle with milk and lets her drink it, they find some seats so they go sit in them. John pulls the bottle away and lifts her out of the pram. Sherlock sits next to him and moves the pram next to him. John holds Rosie tightly and slowly rocks her while feeding her. Sherlock smiles while he looks at John, Sherlock suggests that he'll find a food place buy some food and bring it back to them. John says okay buy me anything honey winks at Sherlock, he takes off and finds a place selling hotdogs. He enters and orders two hotdogs with chips and two chocolate milkshakes, he pays the man and goes to see John. John smiles when he sees him coming with hotdogs. John takes the bottle away from Rosie and puts her in the pram to rest. Sherlock sits next to John, while Rosie is next to John the other side. Sherlock passes the meal to John, Sherlock says I got Chocolate milkshake our favourite drinks says with a nice smile. Thanks, John says and gives Sherlock a little kiss on his cheek before taking a few chips. Sherlock starts eating the hotdog, John laughs and says that's my baby. Sherlock laughs as well before finishing his hotdog and starting on his chips. John eats his last two and starts to eat his hotdog. Sherlock finishes his meal and throws the packaging away, while still drinking his milkshake. John finishes about 5minutes later and drinks his milkshake. Sherlock gets out his phone and tweets what he has done so far. John plays with Rosie for a bit, Sherlock reads what fans have said in the comments. Their plane has just been called, Sherlock quickly grabs the suitcases and John pushes Rosie. They both show their tickets to the two people standing their, They let them in but Sherlock placed his baggage where they told him too before hoping on. They settle down and John puts Rosie in the middle. As time passes more people gradually comes aboard. They go through all the safety things if something bad happens, they finish talking after about 10minutes. The plane starts to move and slowly starts to take off. 


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