The House

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It was finally over, but I managed to grin through the pain. My dream girl, the girl I've been silently chasing for years, the girl I've always wanted to be with, has just spent at least ten minutes with her arm wrapped around me. While my mom was cleaning me up, I started to think I should get hurt in front of her more often, just so we could share that connection again, but then decided that might not be the best idea, and could result in some questions from my therapist. All I know is that if her doing that was pleasurable while I was in pain, I can't even imagine what it's like when she's not doing it to comfort the overly shy boy who accidentally saved her brother. Well, I think it was an accident. I didn't do it intentionally. My body just started to run, and leap. Into Connor. Connor... Connor...

The note.

I run out the door of the doctor's office and to the Murphy's car. Thankfully, they are still getting in. I had told them I would stay with my mom after they offered me a ride, but I need to get that note back.


He turns around and sees me, flailing my arms in hopes to get to the car faster. I screech to a stop, seconds before plowing into him. Out of breath, I let words scatter out of my mouth.

"I, my, it turns out I uh, I need a ride, if that's, if that's okay."

"Sure thing, no problem Evan. We defiantly owe you, and this is the least we can do."

I climb into the car next to Zoe, who smiles, and can see that Connor is sitting along in the middle row of the car. Mr. Murphy has changed seats and is now sitting in the passenger's seat next to Mrs. Murphy.

"Would you like to stay at our house for dinner, Evan?" Mrs. Murphy asks.

"That would be great."

Nerves build up in my body as the car pulls into a driveway. The house is quite nice, from what I can see. From the yard, I can tell the inside is probably as nice, if not nicer. The car shuts off and everyone begins to open their doors, once again. I take a deep breath and then open mine. Just get the letter from his pocket. Just get it from his pocket. You can... spill something on his sweatshirt... and offer to take it to their laundry machine, or wherever they wash their clothes. For once, being yourself is going to come in handy, Evan. Embrace your klutziness. Embrace your inner klutziness.

The thought continues to circle through my head as I walk inside of the house. The house isn't overly neat like I expected, but it is still pretty nice. Nothing seems too out of place, so there's a slight change from my house. Mom doesn't have loads of time to clean or anything.

"Do you want anything, Evan? Water? An apple?"

"Oh no that's okay... t-thank you Mrs. Murphy, I say and begin to fidget with my hands nervously. I decide to sit in a chair in their front room. I look down at my cast, empty except for one large name scrawled on the outer part where everyone can see it: Connor. I decide to go find Zoe's room. I wander up the stairs and down the hallway of the second floor. I see four doors at the end of the hall, two closed, and two open. The two open ones are defiantly Mr. and Mrs. Murphy's bedroom and the bathroom, which means that one of the closed doors is Zoe's, and the other is Connor's. I decide to go with the one on the right, hoping it's Zoe's. If it's Connor's, I'm hoping it's empty.

A deep breath of oxygen fills my nose, and flows to my lungs. Slowly, I tiptoe my way to the door. "Zoe," I whisper. No response. I push the door open. Connor's room.


Connor turns around and is shocked to see me. He creeps towards me and grasps my shoulders. I try to escape his hold but fail.

"You ruined it Evan. I was going to jump in front of that car. You and your damn plan ruined me. I have to stay here another day, and it's all your fault."

I exhale a shallow breath as Connor stares into my eyes. My world halts, and I've just gotten myself into the worst situation possible. Connor was going to leave, but now I have a feeling he might want to take me with him. Why couldn't I let him take the stupid note and just stay with my mom.

"B-b-b-but Connor," I say, my lips and teeth vibrating with nerves, "Y-you can't do this."

"Why not, Evan? You've stopped me once, but good luck with the second time," he says as he grits his teeth.

I use every bone and muscle in my body to separate from his grasp, and I run to the stairs. I trip, and summersault down them. I crash into the wall, and Mr. Murphy comes running in.

"Evan? What the-"

"Mr. Murphy! Your son, Connor. He was going to-"

I hear footsteps and then see a figure about to leap on top of me. I hear Zoe scream Connor's name and I see one thing before my world goes black.

It's an empty carton of milk on the kitchen counter.

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