A Buisness Man and Receptionist

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"Hey Evan, it's Jared," a snarky voice says through the phone, "and I'm just calling to thank you for getting me grounded and losing insurance coverage from my parents."

"Jared, I-"

"My god, Evan! You can't ever take a joke. You and your gay lover need to-"

"Jared please we haven't told anyone yet," I blurt out before cupping a hand over my mouth. The phone goes silent, and then I hear a sickened cackle.

"So I was right? You and Connor-" Jared says in between amused snorts, "are dating. Geez! Well now I can tell my parents that I was helping you for realz."

"Jared are you okay?"

"Well now I am."

"It's just... you said 'for realz' like with a Z and I wasn't sure if you were drinking or something because people who have unusual slurred speech usually-"

"Relax... it's what the cool kids say. Don't feel bad if you aren't one, Evan. You've got that Murphy kid now anyways."

"Jared... please don't tell-"

"Please don't tell? Please don't tell? Evan, if I tell, I'm ungrounded, and my parents will really want to pay for my car insurance for being so heroic and assisting a gay kid in coming out."

"Jared I'm not even gay! And please keep this under wraps."

"Wait... so you are dating Connor... but you aren't gay?"

"I'm bi, Jared. I haven't told anyone yet."

"Wait," he says after a bit of silence, "so you're planning to date two of the Murphy's?"


"What the-"

"Jared I am dating Connor! I have and have had feelings for Zoe as well but I'm in love with Connor. Okay? Are you happy?"

"Geez back down Hansen. Can I tell my parents that I helped a bi kid come out though? I'm in dire need of-"

I press 'end call', shutting him down in the middle of a sentence. I throw the phone and flop down on the bed in front of me. My face sinks into the pillow and I let out a muffled yell. Suddenly, the door swings open. I lift my head but barely bother to turn it.

"Man, Evan. I leave the room for one second and you have a fit? I didn't know I was that cute."

"It's not that."

"Well, what is it then?"

"Nothing," I blurt out and shove my head under the pillow. The figure taps me on the back and I ignore it. I feel the pillow getting pulled away and I attempt to fight it, but the pull only becomes stronger. I grit my teeth and fight the best I can, but I feel the pillow slip from my fingers.





"Okay, guess I have to pull out the big guns then." Fingers tickle my neck and I have no choice but to sit up. I can't help but beam, and a wide spread smirk spreads across the figures face. Our eyes meet.

"Hi," the extremely adorable Connor Murphy says as he sits with his legs crossed in front of me.

"Hi," I say back, still grinning. He places his hand on my shoulder, and continues to smirk.

"What's wrong?" He says, and I can still sense that adorable joy in his voice.

"Jared," I say, the joy in my voice beginning to decline. "He's on me for that meeting the other day."

"Why are you still friends with him Evan?"


"He's a jerk. That's just it. Jared is a jerk. And you continue to stick around. Why?" I stare at him for a minute. He's right.

"I love you," I say in a sweet voice. The door barges open and we jerk our heads towards it.

"What?!" An angered Mr. Murphy spats. My face reddens.

"What?" Connor says calmly. I look at him, confused. Is he going to come out right now?

"Connor don't," I blurt out.

"Evan, you don't have to be embarrassed about being in the school play!"

"School play?" Mr. Murphy asks in confusion.

"Yeah. I'm helping Evan learn lines. He's a," he pauses and darts his eyes around the room, "a businessman. His mom would have helped him but she's busy at work. That's why I'm filling in as the secretary for now."

"Okay... well, do you mind if I stick around for some of your practice?"

"Yes," I blurt out, "I mean, not at all. Um... I love you."

"How could you admit your love to me in such a public place. And, in front of them?"

Man, he's good.

"I cannot help myself. It's been hidden to long. I will say it once more so everyone will hear. I love you."

"I guess it's out and about now. I love you too. After admitting their love to each other, they kiss, but we can skip that part."

"Um... bravo boys. I have a meeting to attend," Mr. Murphy says as he exits the room, closing the door behind us. I wait a minute before speaking.

"I forget," I say playfully. "What happens after they admit their love for each other?"

"This," he says, as he taps me on the nose. He leans in towards me and finds my lips. I wrap my arms around him and he pushes me onto the bed. A magical feeling flows throughout my body. Our lips part, and we stare into each other's eyes. I'm still lying under Connor, which only makes it easier to latch eyes with him.

"I love you," I whisper.

"I guess it's out and about now," he recites through a calming whisper. "I love you too."

But instead of reciting those last four words, I can tell he means it. And I do too.

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