My Sisters Hot

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A/N: WOW! Thank you so so much @spiderstew for making me four beautiful covers for this book. It warms my heart to see how much people love this book. I'm planning to include a longer note at the end to be able to thank you all<3


"Well, at least I'll see you longer tomorrow."

"But Evan-"

"I know, it's the doctor's office. But we'll have time together."

Connor Murphy leans into me helplessly as we hide in the janitor's closet during lunch, again. It's what we've been doing for the last week, since it's our only alone time together with Connor grounded.

"Evan, can I sneak to your house this a-"

"Connor, we don't need you in more trouble. Please."

"Evan I can't take this anymore," he says, becoming louder. Our little space goes silent.

"When are we coming out?"


"I said, when are we coming out?"

"Evan you can't be serious. I'm already grounded for ditching."

"But you don't know what's going to happen-"

"Yes I do. My dad-"

"What about your mom, Connor? She might finally feel like she understands you. Like she has a connection with you. She loves you, Connor. She wants to love you, Connor."

"Wow. That was deep."

"It was, wasn't it?" I say as I start playing with my shoelace.



"Wednesday. We are coming out Wednesday."

"Wait," I say tensely, "that's... that's only two days from now!"

"Yeah. My last day of being grounded is tomorrow. And anyways, I am dying to not 'secretly' kiss you," he says with a laugh.

"How do we do it, though?"

"We could start with my sister," he says, as nervousness twirls through my stomach.

"Won't she tell your parents?"

"Okay seriously Evan I really don't want to have to hide like this anymore. Would you rather start with your mom."

"Sister it is!"



"Leave me alone Connor," Zoe says without looking up from her lunch.

"Zoe we need to talk to you," I blurt out, catching her attention.

"Oh, Evan. Connor, what are you doing?" I look over and see that Connor has grabbed her by the arm and is now pulling her out of the cafeteria. I follow after them, after grabbing Zoe's lunch for her, and enter the janitor's closet.

"I got your lunch," I say awkwardly as I pant from running. I practically throw it at her, only causing matching looks from the Murphy siblings.

"Thanks..." she says slowly, making me turn red. "So what do you guys need to tell me.

"Uhhh... I forget," I squeak out as I go to leave.

"No you don't," Connor says and he grabs my waist. "We're going to regret not doing this."

"Doing what?" Zoe asks, beginning to sound annoyed.

"I'm just going to come out and say this," Connor says bluntly. "Zoe Murphy, I'm gay." Her eyes widen at she glances back and forth from me to Connor.

"And Evan is here because... oh god Connor. Did you tell mom and dad yet?"

"Well we are working towards that step," Connor says.

"And Evan is also gay?"

"Well actually I'm bi, but I'm dating Connor," I add in and Connor puts his arm around me. "We just wanted a practice run."

"Well, good luck. And... congrats, I guess," she mumbles as she leaves the janitor's closet.

"We're one step closer to being public," Connor whisper shouts excitedly and wraps me into a hug. I do my best to share his excitement, but nervousness lingers inside of me. I nod into his shoulder but say nothing. I feel warm tears trickle down my back. I didn't realize how much this meant to Connor.

"I'm ready. So Wednesday, right?" Connor only strengthens his hug. He whispers a simple 'thank you', causing me to tear up. I wrap my arms around his back. "Soon," I whisper, "we're going to graduate, and we can spend our summer together." The bell rings, making me jolt and pull away from Connor. "Oh... uh... see you tomorrow Connor," I say as I rush to leave.

"Evan, wait! Thank you, I really mean it," Connor says as he begins to blush.

"I should be the one thanking you. You helped me realize that we can do this. Thanks."

"Oh, by the way," he says, his voice changing, "why do you act so creepy around my sister?"


"You treat her like she's the queen. What's up with that?" He asks suspiciously. I stare at him blankly with wide eyes and he runs his hand through his hair. "I shoulda known," he says, his voice beginning to rise as he approaches me. "You still like her. But not like her... you like her like her. This is just what I needed. Somebody who actually understands me, who I love, is using me to run off with my sister." His voice escalates into a shout and I feel my hands begin to shake in fear.

"Connor, p-please-"

"Please Evan. I thought somebody finally loved me for me. Not my sister. But look at where we are now," he seethes, angered. I begin to clam up and suddenly loose feeling of my body. My head turns downward and I look at my hand move slightly. I can barely feel it as numbness begins to prickle my face. My breathing becomes rapid and I back up into the wall. "Well? Do you or do you not want to ditch me for my sister?" Connor demands, and I notice him become teary eyed. He truly cares about me. I feel a switch flip in my head. Zoe is great. I had feelings for her. She doesn't get me like Connor. And Zoe will be the best sister-in-law ever when I marry-

Too far Hansen. Too. Far.

For the first time ever, I feel Confident Evan appear within me without someone yelling at Connor. My clammy hands reach forward, grab Connor's tear streaked face, and pull it towards mine, locking lips with him. I can read his lips up against mine. At first they are shocked and confused, but then I feel passion. Connor Murphy has a passion for me, and that's the best relationship I could ask for. He wouldn't turn on me. Confident Evan had just saved Connor from, well,


The idea of me not loving Connor sent him into some sort of rage. That's how much he loves me. And I love him back. Memories of all the time we've spent sobbing into each other's shoulders, that time when he gave me that adorable stare after tickling me, the time he mouthed 'good start' and gave me a dorky grin at the park, reenter my head. I love Connor Murphy. Hot tears sting my eyes. I love Connor Murphy. Connor Murphy loves me. It's a beautiful feeling, one that I've never felt with anybody else.

One that I wouldn't trade for the world.

A real couple has to have some sort of disagreement. It only makes them bond more. Sometimes at least.


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