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A/N: Before I start, LOOK AT THIS⤴️!! @LunaMoon23 made me a book cover for Jump! (Also, credit to Teevee for the beautiful art on it ;) ). Thank you again, this made me smile so much, and I'm still beaming. And thank you all for all of your sweet comments and votes💙


"Evan, I'm gonna die."

I know a lot about Connor Murphy. Apparently there are also a few things I don't know. One of those things I just found out.

Connor Murphy has a fear of doctors.

"No you aren't Connor! Calm down. I can try and get my mom to be your nurse or something."

And not just emergency rooms in hospitals. Regular doctors; the ones that give you check-ups every so often.

"Okay... and how does that help me?"

"I'll just tell mom I'm not feeling well. She'll let me go to the office with her because she'll want to keep an eye on me."

"And you've done this before?"

I've been surrounded by medical stuff for a long time now, since my mom is a nurse. Sure, I'm not a big fan, but I'm not as scared as Connor Murphy. Guess that goes to show that you can't judge a book by its cover.

"Well, I've done it. But I actually haven't felt good. I've never faked it before."

"Wait, why does she let her sick son in with the patients?"

"Mentally not well, Connor."


I wonder if Zoe is afraid of doctors. I could wrap my arm around her and pull her close to me. I could be her hero. She'd smile into my eyes and say-

"Evan?" Connor says, taking me out of my thoughts. I blink my eyes a few times.


"Thanks. I guess."

He pecks me on the cheek and we exit the janitors closet. Lunch was going to end soon; we spent ours alone among buckets and mops. It was delightful, though. Connor and I went halfsies on a sandwich his mom made him, and then we shared a cookie that I threw in my bag this morning. Best. Lunch. Ever.

"Well, well, well," a startling voice says, "look who decided to come out of the closet."

"Look who decided to shut up," Connor sneers, "oh wait." He grabs me gently by the arm and pulls me away from Jared.

"Connor Murphy ladies and gentlemen," I say jokingly as we continue to walk. He pauses, releases my arm, and takes a playful bow.

"Thank you, Evan. You should probably get to science, now."

"And you should probably get to math."

"Nah, I'm cutting today."

"You're going to cut?! But Connor-"

"Please come with me, Evan," he pleads as he gets onto his knees.

"Fine," I say. I've never cut before, but I can tell Connor has. He'll show me the ropes.

I hope.

"Watch and learn," Connor says, and he throws his backpack into a locker, creating a loud bang. He picks it up, and grabs me by the arm. We sprint into the janitors closet, and he opens the door a crack. I hear him counting down in his head, and then a women runs towards where the noise came from. "Now," he whispers, and sneaks from the closet, still grabbing onto my hand. He pulls me into the front office, and runs to the empty desk. "Mr. Dreyfuss to the front office, please," he says in an airy voice over the intercom, causing me to giggle. He runs ducks under the counter, and pulls me down next to him. Mr. Dreyfuss, the man who stands at the front door making sure kids don't just leave all day, comes running into the office. Connor crawls out the door, and I follow him. Mr. Dreyfuss steps on my finger, and I yelp. "RUN," Connor shouts at me. We stand up and sprint towards the door, my finger aching tremendously. Connor flys out the front door, and I follow him. I hear footsteps and yelling behind us, making me run even faster. I manage to pass Connor, and run into the nearby trees. I begin to grab onto some of the branches, to the best of my ability, and place my feet on the lower ones. Slowly, I climb up about 10 feet, where Mr. Dreyfuss can't reach me. And I know for sure he can't climb up here. Connor dives behind a bush, and peers around the edge. Mr. Dreyfuss lost us. We did it.

"Evan, Evan?!" Connor whisper shouts frantically.

"Up here," I say with a smirk.

"Woah! Are you trying to land back in the ER? Get down from there!"

"But Connor," I say playfully.

"Evan Hansen, if you do not get down from there right now, then..." he demands, imitating Mr. Dreyfuss. I giggle, and slowly creep down the tree. "We did it," he says beaming as he wraps his arms around me. "Want to go to my house, Ev?"

"Ev? I have a nickname now?"

"Guess so," he says, as he places his arm around my shoulders. "So, my house?" I nod, and we start walking.

Finally, we reach Connor's house. All we did on the walk was talk, and giggle, and talk some more. Sounds normal to one person, but to me, it was everything. Connor claims his parents are out, so we use the front door. We run up the stairs, and into Connor's room.

"Welcome back, Ev."

We lay down on his bed, and start planning out how I will skip school to go to the doctor's office with my mom, and then meet Connor there. He pretends to be my mom, and I practice telling "mom" I'm not up to going to school.

"Connor," I say with a fake moan after half an hour of rehearsing, "I'm hungry."

"Then we should eat. Wanna go out?"

"I'd love that."


Connor and I arrive at a burger place downtown, on foot of course, and walk inside. Connor orders for me, and might I mention, nails it! He's the best boyfriend ever.

"Your chair," he beams, and pulls the chair from the table for me to sit in.

"Could I ask for a better boyfriend?"

"Probably," he says jokingly, as he sits across from me. He lets out a dorky laugh and picks up his burger. I mirror him, taking a bite of mine.

"How have I never been here before, Connor? This is so good."

"Wait, you're telling me that you have never been here before?"



"Connor!" A voice says to the left of us us, copying the pitch that Connor used when exclaiming my name. We turn in the direction of the voice, and my face reddens.

We (almost) did it.

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