Study Buddy

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"Thank you for driving me home, Mrs. Murphy."

"It's been a pleasure. Come over any time," she says with a smile. I nod and start heading up the driveway of my small house. I turn back around and wave to her as she leaves. As I make my final steps to get to the front door, I fish the keys out of the side of my bag, and then open the door.

"Evan," my mom exclaims excitedly as she comes into the front room. I smile lightly as she comes up to me and gives me a quick hug. "How was the sleepover?"

"It was," I say, pausing for a second, "the best night of my life."

"Oh, well that's wonderful. If you want to talk at all today, I was able to get off of work early."

"Actually, I would," I say, making my mom turn around in shock.

"Okay... great. I'll uh... I'll be home around four," she says as she grabs her bag and keys. "Text me if you need anything. I love you," she kisses me on the head and walks out the door.

"Love you too," I call out before she closes the door. I rush to the window, and watch her climb into her car before pulling out of the driveway. The clock on the wall reads 9:00. I now have the rest of Saturday, until 4 that is, to do...

Homework. Classic homework, always sneaking up on you when you think you finally got a break. I mean seriously, it's two days. If I didn't get it before, I'm not going to get it now. I sigh and grab my off-brand phone from my pocket.

E: hey. I know I literally just saw you but do you want to do homework with me?

C: hey nerd ;) sure. Can't wait to tell my mom -- she's gonna FAINT when she hears I'm willingly doing homework haha

E: ha you're so cute when you text

C: what so you're saying I'm not cute in person?!

E: no I just don't have the guts to tell you how cute you are in person ;)

C: I see. Why don't you come to my house and tell me how adorable I am?

E: kk sounds good

I shut my phone off and shove it into my backpack. I swing it over my broken and non-broken arms, and head out the door. The walk, as usual, is calming. Especially on a weekend, when everyone isn't rushing places. I pass the park, and laugh when the memory of Connor and I hiding there pops into my head. He's so sweet. When I arrive, my fist lightly taps against the door, and Mr. Murphy opens it.

"Oh, hello Evan. Did you forget something last night?"

"No, Connor and I were going to do homework."

"I'm sorry, did I hear you correctly? Did you say that Connor was going to do homework?"

"Yes? I mean, I uh, brought my bag, and we were going to... is Connor here?"

"Yes, Evan. CONNOR," he shouts. I hear Connor groan as he opens his door and his feet shuffle against the floor above me, and then down the stairs. He looks pissed until he brushes his hair out of his face and sees me in the doorway. He gives me that adorable smirk that makes me all warm inside, in which I return with a grin.

"Hey baby," he says as he walks over and gives me a kiss on the head. I blush, making him giggle. "My books are in the kitchen. Mind if I go grab them?"

"N-not at all."

"Great," Connor says and dashes into the room next door. Mr. Murphy looks, in complete shock and confusion, when Connor returns with his messenger bag. I shrug, and we put our arms around each other before walking up the stairs.

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