An Unexpexted Visitor

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A/N: I usually don't add A/Ns in because I have so much to say which I'm going to put at the end of the book but OMG _TheTinestLifeboat_  DREW THE TREE PLUSH!! I AM STILL FREAKING OUT ABOUT THIS THANK YOU SO MUCH!! Now, please enjoy the next chapter of Jump.

The doorbell rings and Connor and I glance at each other. "I'll get it," I mumble as I roll out of Connor's bed. Zoe's car was in the shop today, and Connor wanted nothing to do with the bus so he told me to walk home with him. Mom doesn't come home until after midnight on Wednesdays, so I knew I wouldn't get trapped in one of her "bonding days".

I walk down the stairs of the Murphy home, which has become a second home to me. I know where everything is, and so doing things that the Murphy's do in their home such as answer the door have become second nature to me. I already know that it's not the delivery man, which helps my nerves. I open the door, but then slam it right away. Connor comes running downstairs and grabs my shoulders. "What's wrong Ev?" a concerned Connor asks. Syllables get caught in my mouth as I try to find words. "Go wait upstairs, okay?" I nod, and start going up the stairs, but I stop at the top, sit down, and cling to the bars attached to the railing so that I can see the door. Connor opens it, and looks in shock at the visitors. "Well well well," he says, sounding amused. I can sense anger already beginning to spike in his voice. "If it isn't assholes united. Now, what the hell is wrong with you," he says, stating it more than asking it.

"Wrong with us? More like what's wrong with you, druggie. I'd say we should take this outside, but I don't think you could handle it."

"No, no, you must have that wrong. The yard is right outside this door, and unless your lazy ass can't make it there-"

"Okay then Murphy. Outside it is." I watch as the group walks outside, and Connor closes the door behind him. I feel a tightness in my chest and I run into Connor's room to watch out the window.

"Don't you dare lay another fucking finger on my boyfriend ever again," Connor yells as his fists collide with Chase Williams' stomach. Chase winces in pain.

"You just messed with the wrong person, Murphy," Chase growls. I cover my eyes, but peek through my fingers, unable to look away. Suddenly, I watch as Josh, one of Chase's friends, grabs Connor from behind, and Chase punches Connor. I crumple into a ball and start crying. I can hear grunting and shouting outside. Then, I hear feet running up the stairs.

"Connor? Is everything okay?" I look up, my face red and covered with ugly snot and tears, and see Mrs. Murphy standing in the doorway. "Evan," she exclaims nervously as she bends down in front of me. "What happened?!" Then, she looks out the window. "Oh my- stay here, okay? I'll be back. I promise." I nod through tears and watch as she runs from the room. I can hear her shouting to Larry and then Larry shouting at the boys outside. I continue to cry, not knowing what happened to Connor. I burry my head into my knees.

"Evan," a gentile voice says. My head looks up towards the doorway and sees Zoe. She starts to walk towards me but I curl into a ball and face towards the wall.

"Go away," I mumble. "I don't want you seeing me like this." I jolt as I feel a hand on my shoulder, but stay curled in a ball with the wall being my only view.

"Evan, please. I want to help you. Really... I do," Zoe says. Quickly, I wipe my shirt over my face before rolling onto my back and looking up at her beautiful, kind face. She smiles down at me, but I can tell that she is trying to cover up concern in her eyes. "I'm going to guess you are like this because of the incident in the front yard?" I nod rapidly in response to her question.

Cautiously, she takes her hand and traces circles on my forehead. I look at her hand in slight confusion, but also enjoy her presence. "It's going to be okay Ev." Ev. She really is like her brother. Who brother who might not even be alive right now. Ev. I think of the time when Connor first called me Ev. The time when I came upstairs on the night mom and I were eating dinner at the Murphys and Connor, who was practically still a stranger to me, sobbed into my shoulder. The time when Connor and I were in the park, and the little girl told us we were a good couple. The time when I told my mom I was bisexual a few weeks ago, and Connor texted me that he was jumping so loud that his mom came in to check on him. A few weeks ago, Connor's feet were bouncing up and down on this floor out of pure happiness. Now, I'm lying down on that same floor feeling the weight of the world on my shoulders as Connor just got beaten up because of me.

Tears return to my eyes and Zoe massages what she can of my scalp, as I am still lying on the floor. "You want to sit up Evan? You don't have to look outside. I can close the blinds or something," Zoe says. My heart aches as I sense the amount of care in her voice. She should be with Connor right now, not me. Slowly, I sit up, and then Zoe wraps her arms around me. Here I am, Evan Hansen, looking like a mess and trying not to cry while my boyfriend's sister hugs me and my boyfriend is in unknown condition. I notice the way Zoe is holding me is so I am facing towards the door instead of the window. Wow, she really is great. No wonder I had such a crush on her. Cautiously, I hug back, and then close my eyes, giving her my full trust. But my eyes widen and I rip from Zoe's hold as I hear a noise outside of the window.


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