Chapter one

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I woke up to the sound of my alarm going off. I groan as I get out of bed, already dreading what the day was going to bring.
It was the first day of school.
If that wasn't bad enough, we just moved here, therefore, I'm starting a new school.
I recently moved to High Point, NC. I'm originally from Indiana but things happened back at home and well, that resulted in my mom and I moving. If I had my way, I'd be starting my senior year back in Indiana with my friends.

I stayed in bed until I no longer could. I'm a procrastinator, as they say. I walk down stairs to find my mom getting ready for her first day at her new job. She's working at a hospital now. I'm happy for her. She loves working and helping people, being a nurse is perfect for her.
As for me, I'm not very social. I'm kind of a "troublemaker", according to basically everyone in my home town. I'm really not that bad, people just misunderstand me. They don't even bothering trying to understand who I am. But that's their loss.

I go and pack my backpack, making sure I have everything I need. I gave my mom a quick kiss and I hopped into my car and drove off to prison, I mean school.

I can already tell this day is gonna be very interesting.

hi guys so i decided to make a new book. yayyy. it's a ryan blaney fic !! ryan is gonna be like a bad boy type and stuff so i hope you like it

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