Chapter Five

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I get home and my mom is home from work already.
I walk in and set my backpack on the table and kick off my red converse shoes.
I walk into the kitchen and find my mom reading a recipe book
"Hey Momma" I say, giving her a quick kiss on the cheek.
We've always had a good relationship. She's truly my best friend. As for my dad, that's a different story, for a different time.
"Did you have a good first day of school?" She asks me
"Sure. If you call having people stare at me,  say crap about you under their breath and meeting a guy who absolutely gets under your skin a 'good day' then, yes mom, I had a good day" I say grabbing an apple from our fruit bowl.
"Guy? What's his name? Is he cute?" My mom asks excitedly
"Chill, mom. Yeah he's kinda cute. His name is Ryan. There's just something about him that aggravates the crap out of me, even if he just walks in the room. I don't know what it is" I sigh with my mind going 100mph
"Honey, I think you have a crush. You know that time in preschool when you stuck glue in Jackson Tonnel's hair and then shoved him off his chair? You liked him" She said with a big smile on her face
"What does Jackson have anything to do with this, mom?" I ask confused
"You get agitated when you like a guy. Everything about them annoys you. You've always been like that. It's how I was too." She says as she starts putting butter in a pan
"I don't like Ryan." I state and walk out the room
"Sure. Whatever you say, Anna" she yells as i walk up the stairs.

There's no way right? I just met him..I can't already like him. No. I don't like him. Stop thinking like that Anna. You don't like Ryan.

Next morning

I wake up slowly as my alarm goes off. I check my phone and see I have a text from an unknown number.
"I know your secret, Anna Brenslin"
Okay. I'm freaking out. What secret? I don't have any secrets? Or do I? WHAT IS GOING ON?

I get to school and everyone is actually ignoring me today. It's kind of nice. I still haven't even seen He-Who-Shall-Not-Be-Named. Not that I've been looking for him.
I get to English class and find my seat and sit down. I've always liked being early to class so I could get the perfect seat. I'm one of those people. I look at my phone to kill some time.
I scroll through instagram and facebook for what seemed like hours. It was only 5 minutes. Class still doesn't start for another 10 minutes. I realize I never texted that number back from this morning.
"Who is this? And what secret?" I reply back
I'm racking my brain trying to think back to what "secret" they might be talking about. There's only one thing I could think of, but literally nobody knows that secret. It's not even a bad secret.
I hope this stops soon. I'm gonna find out who's sending me these texts.

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