Chapter Four

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I headed to my class and found a seat. I heard people whispering and staring at me. God I hate when people do that. I fidget in my seat, hoping and praying class would start soon. The sooner it starts, the sooner I get to go home.

I decided to put in headphones until class started. I saw someone sit next to me, but I didn't even look up. I, honestly, didn't want to know who it was.

The teacher came in so I took out my headphones before I got yelled at. I looked over to chair next to me, and it was none other than, Ryan Blaney. I looked him in the eye and didn't crack a smile. He just gets under my skin. But I have to admit, he's pretty attractive. But I won't tell him that. His ego is big enough.

Class was finally over and that was also the last class of the day. I finally get to go home. I gather my stuff up from the desk and head to my locker. I felt like someone was watching me so I looked around and I found no one looking my direction. I just have a weird feeling. I shake it off and gather up the rest of my books and stick them in my book bag. It was a nice day so I decided to walk home. Unusual for me, but I don't mind walking sometimes.

As I start walking down the side walk I heard someone yelling and I thought it was at me, so I turned around, then I ran into something hard. It knocked me to the ground. "What the heck was that" I say quietly to myself. I look up and see what it was.

It was Ryan.

"Why did you run into me?!" I said clearly agitated at him
"Technically, you ran into me. I just turned around because I heard someone yelling" He snapped back. I don't say anything and just continue on walking. "Hey" I heard Ryan say behind me, so I decide to stop. I face him raising my eyebrow, without saying a word. "You never told me your name" he said smirking at me.
"Maybe I don't want you knowing" I said and started walking again.

I don't understand why he makes me feel these emotions. I don't usually feel like this towards people. But with him, I just hear his name, and instantly get angry.

Maybe one day I'll understand it.

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