Chapter Seven

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I wake up in the middle of the night to my mom screaming. I jump out of bed and grab the thing that was closest to me.

I ran downstairs quietly. I heard my mom yelling. I see broken glass by our front door.


I run upstairs and grab my phone in case I need to call 911.
I silently go back down to see if I can see who it is.

"I'm serious. Get. Out. Before I call the cops. Don't make me do that" I hear my mom say to the person. I can't quite see who it is. I sneak down to get a better view.

"I think she'll be glad to see me, don't you think?" I heard the voice. It's familiar. It kinda sounds, it's definitely not. I have a bad feeling so I run back upstairs since I know my moms not in danger. I heard the door close and seen lights going out of my driveway. I heard my mom open my door so I faked being asleep.

As soon as she closed my door, I hopped out of bed. I go downstairs to see my mom picking up glass. I decide to just leave it alone for tonight. If it was important, she would've woke me up.
There's no way it could be who I thought it was, right? I mean, literally no way.

I lay down, hoping to get some sort of sleep.

I wake up to the sound of my mom blaring music. Luke Bryan, of course. I want to ask my mom about the person who broke in to our house last night but I'm scared to ask.
Especially if it's who I think it is. She knows I don't wanna talk to them or see them ever again.
Not after what happened..

I get out of bed and put on some clothes. I go downstairs to see my mom trying to temporarily fix the window the person broke.

"Mom?" I ask acting confused as to why our window is broke. It startled her.
"Oh, sweetie! I didn't know you were up. I accidentally broke the window last night, so i'm just trying to patch it up until someone comes and fixes it" she says wiping glass off her jeans. I just nod my head and go into the kitchen.

I grab a bowl and some cereal and sit down. I have so many thoughts going through my head I don't hear my mom yelling at me. I finally snap out of my trance.

"Anna?!" my mom says getting aggravated
"sorry mom, I was just kind of out of it, I guess" I say
"It's fine but you have a visitor" She says walking out of the room

I walk into the living room and see Ryan.
Honestly, he's one of the last people I want to see right now.

"Hey, Ry" I say coming close to him
"Ry?" He furrows his brow and smirking
"It's just a nickname. Calm down" I snap at him. I don't mean to sound so snappy. I'm just off today.
"Woah. Someone's a little feisty today" He says laughing and taking off his hat
"Sorry i'm just having an off day. Let's go to my room" I say walking up the stairs before he has a chance to answer.

I walk into my room and straighten out my chair so Ryan could sit in it. I sit down on my bed. Ryan walks in and closes the door. I could tell he wants to ask what my problem is. If i'm honest with him, can I trust him? Or will he go and tell everyone?

I don't really know him yet. But he is the only person who's made an effort to be my friend.

I just don't know if I can trust him with such a secret..

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