Chapter Nine

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I open my eyes to see Ryan staring at me. I must've fell asleep

"Well look who's awake" he says as I start to get up
I just shoot him a dirty look. I'm always grumpy when I wake up. I tend to want to kill people when I wake up. You gotta give me a few minutes to get awake before you start talking to me.

I walk over to my window and open my curtains. It was dark out. I missed the sunset. I love watching the sunset and I always have ever since I was little.

Ryan gets up and comes behind me. He wraps his arms around me and rests his chin on my shoulder.

I turn around to face him.

We don't say anything. We just look at each other. So many words need to be said, but neither of us can get them out.

Like, we barely know each other but have so much chemistry. I don't even know who he is. I don't know what he likes to do, or what he likes to watch on tv. I don't know anything about his family. I don't know him. But something draws me to him. I don't understand this. I've never had this feeling before. It makes me feel sick, but also like I'm riding a cloud? I don't know whether to throw up or laugh. What is this feeling?

Ryan's POV

She's so beautiful. I shouldn't like her, but I can't help myself. I know nothing good can come of this. Maybe this can work out If I hide her from everyone. But I don't wanna hide her, I wanna show her off. She's so amazing. But I can't hurt her.

She could probably handle me. She acts so tough. She is tough, I know she is.

I just can't risk anything. I can't risk losing everything for a girl.

But she's not just "some girl". She's Anna.

I keep fighting with myself. I really don't wanna lose Anna, but I can't involve her with my life.

If my dad finds out, there's no going back for Anna. I also can't just forget about her.

I feel like I have a devil on one shoulder, an angel on the other.

I can't do this to her. I need to just back off, right? Or should I just try? Maybe I'm making it sound worse than it would be.

I just don't know what to do.

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