Chapter Eight

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Ryan comes over and sits beside me on the bed. It's almost like he knows what I'm thinking.

"What's going on with you?" He asks with sincere concern

"I think someone from my past broke into my house last night. I heard my mom yelling at them. If it's who I think, I'm gonna flip out on them." I say laying my head on Ryan's shoulder

So many thoughts going through my brain.

If it's them, I'm never talking to them. Never. Not after I went through.

My mom and I came here to start new. Not to just get dragged down a beaten path again.

I didn't have the best childhood. Not everything was sunshine and rainbows. We went through hell and back when I was a kid. So many things happened.

I'm not going back to that.

Ryan just sits there as I get lost in my head. He's so patient. He's a lot different than I thought he was. Usually i'm right about first impressions. But Ryan. I was wrong about him.

I feel Ryan put his arm around me and it stops my thoughts. I take my head off his shoulder and turn to look at him. You know, he has really pretty eyes. And God, his hair looks like a fluffy cloud.

He smiles at me almost like he heard my thoughts.

"Are you okay?" He asks

I give him a small smile and nod my head. I'm not okay though.

I get off my bed and grab my tv remote and turn on the TV. I get back in bed and lie down. I pat the bed beside me and Ryan gives me a smile and lays beside me.

"You're a lot different than I thought" I say turning my body towards him
"How did you think I was?" He asks with his eyebrow raised
"You know..kinda douchey" I say laughing and he just shakes his head
"You still don't know me then" he says closing his eyes and smiling

I could stay like his forever. In bed. Talking to him. He's really very smart. I should've given him the benefit of the doubt.

"Ryan?" I ask
"Mhm?" he answers opening one eye
"Why are you being so nice to me when I was nothing but mean to you?" I ask looking down
"Because you're special" He says flashing a cute smile

Me? Special? What does he mean by that? I'm not special. Not even close to special.

"At least to me" He adds after a few seconds of silence.

Maybe he's not so bad after all..

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