Chapter Two

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I walk into the school. It's cold, not by temperature, but by the looks people are giving me. I wanted to scream at them. Don't these people ever stop staring?
Yes, I'm new, but you don't have to stare. Everyone was watching me closely like I was a killer or something. I'm nothing of the sorts, they need to realize that. My mind is racing and so is my heart. I want to run away and never come back, but I made a promise to my mom. I have to finish high school. I calmly walk up to the registration desk.

"Hi, i'm Anna Brenslin, I'm new here" I said looking at the older lady behind the desk.
"Of course dear, i'll get you your schedule and the map of the school. If you have any questions I would absolutely love to answer them" she said as she handed me my papers. I gave her a small smile and told her thank you.
I turn around and take in a deep breath. Soon the bell rang. I start looking for my first class. It was english. Great, there's nothing more I hate than english. It's my best subject, but I hate it with a passion.

I quickly found my class and took a seat. I heard snickers from behind me and some prissy looking girl making fun of my hair
"you think she could've at least combed her hair, it is her first day at school" I heard the girl whispering to her friend. I rolled my eyes and started focusing on the lesson.
All throughout class I just heard snickers and nasty comments about the way I was dressed. Those girls were lucky I didn't whip out of my seat and knock their stupid heads together.

There's a reason why I don't like a lot of people, and they're the number one example of why.

As soon as the teacher dismissed us, I got out of my seat and grabbed my backpack as fast as I could. I couldn't handle being in a small room with those idiots anymore. All the people in there had a combined IQ the size of a mustard seed. I don't know why my mom wouldn't just let me finish the rest of my schooling online.

As I walk out of the room, a crowd of people filed into the small hallway the same time I did. I was being shoved around like a toy because teenage boys don't know where to look when they're walking. Next thing I know, I'm on the ground and so are my books. I look up and see someone picking up my book.
"Um that's mine" I said not looking at the person
"Oh, you wouldn't say? I just thought a random book was laying in the hallway because it was tired" I heard a small laugh
I look up to see a brown haired, blue eyed boy. He's not tall but he's built, so that makes up for that. As soon as I looked him in the eyes he almost looked lost for a second, like he didn't know what to say next
"Are you gonna give me my book now or am I just gonna have to rip it out of your hand?" i asked being snarky
"I would love to see you try to grab this book out of my hand" he replied back smirking
"You asked for it" I quickly punched him in the arm and he dropped my book, looking at me in shock.

"Why did you do that for?" he asked with his mouth gapping open
"You said you'd love to see me try to get my book back, so I got my book back. I hope you loved seeing it as much as I loved doing it" I said and walked away

What a day and It just started

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