Chapter Three

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I couldn't stop thinking about the boy I ran into all throughout Science. I don't understand why I couldn't stop. He seemed like a douche, but I'm kind of a douche too, so we have that in common.

Soon it was lunch. Thank God. I needed food before I really snapped at someone. I get up to the line and see what they have. Everything looks so disgusting.

"You should get the tuna salad. It's good, I promise" I heard a voice behind me say. It was the boy from earlier. I gave him a small smile and walked on. He, for some odd reason, decided to follow me.

"You don't say much, do you?" he asked me while handing me a tray.
"I only talk to people I like" I snapped back quickly.
"I understand that one, but what makes you think you won't like me? Everyone likes me" he said and I turned around to people in the corner looking scared when he got close to them.
"Yeah, sure." I replied getting my food and going to find a seat.

I found a small little space that's away from most of the chaos of high school. I put in my headphones and blare my music. I quickly was interrupted by someone setting their tray on the table and sitting down. I didn't care enough to look up until I felt the person throw something at me.

"Hey what was that for?" I got up and was about to punch whoever did that.
"whoa whoa whoa. Please don't hit me, I was just trying to get your attention" he said while throwing his hands up in defense.
I roll my eyes when I realize who it is.
"God, don't you ever leave me alone?" I asked him, clearly annoyed at him

"Not when it's this fun annoying you. But I just wanted to properly introduce myself. I'm Ryan. Ryan Blaney" He said giving me a smile
"Well, I'd say it's nice to meet you, but I'd be lying" he put his hand on his heart and was acting all offended
"That hurt" he replied and I rolled my eyes.

The bell finally rang. I got up and cleaned my tray. The next class I have is Geometry.

This ought to be fun.

Bad boy, Good loveWhere stories live. Discover now