Chapter Six

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The school day has finally ended. There was no sign of Ryan today. I feel like that was odd. I never got a text back either. It's probably some kid trying to pull a prank on a poor soul.

I walk home to an empty house. My moms gonna be at work until midnight so I'll be home alone all night. Fun, right? I actually hate being alone. It's Ironic. I don't like people, but hate being by myself. I sit down with a bowl of spaghetti and turn on some netflix. I hear a knock on the door so I look out the window. I don't see anyone. I decide to open the door anyways. It was him. Standing there looking adorable. Wait, what am I saying? No. He wasn't looking adorable. He flashes a giant smile at me.
"What are you doing here?" I ask confused because I don't know how he knows where I live
"Well. I was kind of in an accident last night. Your mom was my nurse" He says as I see some bandages on his arm.
"Well that explains why you weren't at school today" I say lightly laughing "What happened?" I ask him curiously
"Well. I had a fight between me and a tree on my four wheeler" He said sitting down on the porch
I sit down beside him.
"I'm glad you're okay" I give him a small smile
"Your mom is great. She's the polar opposite of you" he says nudging my arm lightly
I shake my head and laugh.
"Do you wanna come inside? I have food and netflix" I say. I kind of want him to come in.
"I would love to" He says as he helps me up
We go in and he grabs a bowl of food and sits on the couch with me.
I turn on friends because it's my favorite show. He just looks at me and smiles but I try to ignore it. I don't wanna catch feelings for him. I can't. Love has been ruined for me.

I wake up at 11:30 to see Ryan asleep on the couch next to me. My mom is gonna flip out if she sees him here.
"Ryan. Ryan wake up. You have to go. My mom is gonna be home soon" He groans as I shake him
"Okay. I'm up" He says groggily
He gets up and straightens his clothes out. He looks really cute with bedhead. I smile to myself and he just looks at me.
"What's going on in that head of yours?" he asks putting his hat on
"Nothing that has to do with you" I said trying to play it off.

Ryan finally leaves and I head up to bed before my mom gets home. Maybe catching feelings for him wouldn't be the worst thing in the world...

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