Chapter Eleven

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I walk into school the next morning determined. I'm gonna find out what Ryan is talking about. I see him by his locker, talking to his friends. I did myself up today. I'm wearing a lace black shirt with white jeans. My hair is curled and I put some makeup on. I feel really good.

I walk by Ryan without making eye contact, I pass by. I could feel him and his buddies staring at me. I couldn't help but smile to myself.

All throughout the day Ryan just kept staring at me. I look back every now and then, just to mess with him. He wants to ignore me, fine. But I'm not gonna let him go that easily. I'm gonna show him what he's missing.

As I walk out of school to go home, I feel a pair of strong arms wrap around me and pull me back. I could tell it was Ryan.

"Why are you doing this to me?" He whispers in my ear
"Because I can" I reply without looking at him. I walk off and head home. This wasn't the place to talk.

I get home to see my mom making supper. And boy, did it smell amazing.

I get a text on my phone and I already know who it is before looking at it. Or so I thought.

"Hello Anna. Been a while. You'll see me soon, though" I just stare at my phone. I hadn't gotten a weird text since that one saying they knew my secret. I just thought it was someone playing a prank, but now, I don't think that's what it is.

My mom knows when something is off so I finally come clean and tell her about the first text I got. She just sits down and holds my hand as I tell her how scared I really am now.

There's two people it could be. Both are equally as scary as the other.

You're probably wondering what has went on in my life.

It all started when I was 6. My dad was heavily involved in very illegal drug sales. Long story short, my dad got caught. He's in prison. Or at least last time I asked. I don't care anymore. He treated my mom and I like absolute crap. All he cares about was his job.

Then when I was 16, I met a boy named Nick Galan. Everything was a fairytale at first. He was captain of the football team. He was a Senior and I was a Sophomore. I fell in love very quickly. Soon after, that changed drastically. He became verbally abusive towards me. He would constantly go out and get drunk with his friends, who weren't really friends at all. They just liked the attention he brought them. He didn't care about me anymore. I was with him for about 6 months. When I broke things off with him, he became very angry towards me. I don't think he would've ever done anything to me, but he thought about it, I'm sure.

That's why my mom and I left Indiana. We wanted to start new. Everything has been really good since we've left everything in Indiana. I was finally getting back to my old happy self. Of course, I'll never be the same as before. We left everything and everyone we knew. As soon as we left Indiana, I felt safe. I have a hard time letting people in. I have a hard time trusting people, but can you blame me?

Both my dad and Nick were untrustworthy from the beginning. I always knew there was something wrong about them, I just didn't want to believe it. My dad and Nick were very different, but they made me feel the same. Like they didn't care at all. And Nick surely didn't. I also felt very unsafe. Even with my dad, I was so young so I didn't know how to describe my feeling. But I always felt unsafe.

Ryan doesn't give me that feeling. He makes me feel the complete opposite. I don't know what he's involved in, but I know he's a good person. He just needs to talk to me. Not just at school, but a real sit down talk.

I want to know the real Ryan Blaney

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 11, 2017 ⏰

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