Chapter Ten

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Anna's POV

I could tell Ryan was really lost in his thoughts. I wonder what he could be thinking about? Probably nothing important, I'm sure.

I put my hand on his back and it immediately snaps him out of his thoughts. He just looks at me with a 'sorry' look. He doesn't say a word, he just walks out.

Well that was nice? No goodbye?

I watch out my window as he gets in his car and drives off. What could he have been thinking about to get him to leave?

Was it something I said, or the lack of words said?

If he can just leave without saying anything to me, especially when we were having a moment, what else is he capable of? I know it's crazy to be thinking like that when it's not even a major thing, but I couldn't stop myself from thinking it.

I look at my phone hoping for a text or something from him, but I get nothing.

Maybe I should text him.

I start typing on my phone and then I stop myself. I don't want him thinking I like him, which I do, I just don't want him knowing that yet. I need to know him more.

I decide to just go back to bed.

I wake up the next morning to my alarm. I check my phone to see no messages. Which isn't unusual, I was just hoping to hear from Ryan. I'll probably see him at school anyway.

I get up and put on a tshirt and jeans. throw my hair up in a bun and ba da boom, i'm ready for school.

I decided to walk to school today. I didn't really feel like listening to a bunch of screaming high schoolers.

I put in my headphones and blast some Luke Bryan. Don't judge me. He's the best.

After 20 minutes of walking, I'm finally at school. I go to my locker and put in the books I don't need. I turn around and see Ryan with his friends.

He looks at me and then acts like he doesn't see me. I'm gonna admit, that kind of hurt.

I head to English since that was the first class of the day. I head to my usual seat and sit down. Ryan's already in there. I tell him hi and he just ignores me. That's nice.

The school day is over with and Ryan barely even looked at me. He only spoke to me once and it was in math class and that was because he HAD to talk to me.

Maybe my first impression was right.

I just don't get how we went from talking and laughing, to him completely ignoring me within a 12 hour period.

I get home and go straight to my bedroom. My mom has today off but she's out doing her own thing, which is good, I don't wanna talk anyways.

I dump out my book bag on my bed. I see a note.

"I'm sorry, I just can't do this. I can't involve you in my life. You need to be constantly protected and safe. I can't protect you or keep you safe. I know I'm acting like a complete jerk to you, but that's how I deal with things. If I say even one more word to you, I'm gonna fall completely and hopelessly for you. I've already started to. I don't want to lead you on because I can't date you. You deserve someone so much better than me. Please just forget about me. I'm sorry Anna..I really am. -Ryan"

I stand there in complete shock of what I just read. He admitted he has feelings for me.

What does he mean he can't protect me and keep safe?

I refuse to let him go that easily. I'm gonna find out what he's talking about.

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