Just a plain old boring day

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*BEEP BEEP BEEP BEEP BEEP* "Stupid thing" I say waking up, and turning my alarm clock off.


I say as my alarm clock falls to the floor with a thud of plastic on carpet, I look over my bed rail and see it has landed on a pile of last weeks homework still not done.

"Forgot to hide it from mum"

I think to myself. Suddenly I hear mum coming down the hallway, and remember it's Friday.


"Your not Darth Vader so shut up" mum tells me "GET UP"

I rise out of bed and hit my head on the roof,
'Thud' "ouch"
I start to slide out of bed and put my feet on the ladder, and slowly climb down. I here my dog getting more and more excited, as I took each step. Finally the bottom step, I look at my dogs one eye and think,

"I would love to put an eye patch on you"

I look up and see mum walking past, I look back down my dog is still looking and waiting for me.  I then jump off the step and land with a leg either side of him and pat him like there's no tomorrow. After that I got dressed and ready for school, while I was eating breakfast of weet bix I tell mum about how good my homework has been done. Unfortunately my little sister came out and yelled at mum for not washing her clothes, it got into a pretty heated argument until 5:50 rolled around and we had to leave for the bus. I stepped into the garage with my sister close behind,
"Shotgun" I yelled
"Hell no" my sister replied as we raced to put our bags in the boot as quickly as possible, but as usual I won and my sister complained to mum, but she didn't really care. Mum started driving us to out bus stop and on the way we saw to people running away from someone but we went by to quickly to see what was happening.
When we got to the bus stop everyone was already there.

"HI RHYS" I hear the twins Robert and Deklen call

"Hayyyyyy, I'm tired" I reply

"Quit bitching" I'm told

I stick my middle finger up in response 🖕🏻
Then my pocket starts to vibrate, I open my phone 'snapchat from 😂😆👉🏼🔫🤡'
"That's still an odd name" I thought to myself
"Yay bus" I here my sister say in the most sarcastic voice she's every tried
As the bus pulled up everyone was racing to get on and we all went to our seats.
"Morning" the bus driver said

"Good morning"




"Good afternoon"

"Top of the morning to ya"

We reply and as 6:05 appears on my clock the bus pulls off.
I laid back in my seat, and tried to relax but people kept coming down to say hi. Over time more and more people got on and we went along the journey to school. As we pulled into Bertram and picked up six people, we noticed that there was a long line of traffic as usual, but couldn't see over the hill. As we slowly edged nearer and nearer to our turn off we came over the hill and saw what looked like a military checkpoint, one of the people on our bus said it was. Someone came to our bus and told us to stay on and don't get off, but then outside I saw five 'people' through the trees eating someone alive. It was then I realised, my phone was ringing , mum was calling me so I picked it up.

"Hello?" I asked

"Rhys get your sister somewhere safe, there's something happening, but keep her safe and you stay safe ok.... I love you, I love both" she said as though panicking

" I love you too but what's going on" I asked puzzled

"People their eat...... and then comi............"

"Mum? Mummy?"

I take the phone away from my ear and see it cut out. I call my sister and tell her to come to me, and bring her bag. It takes some time but eventually she gives up and comes to where I'm sitting, and I tell her what mum said. After that I told her to "come with me we're getting out of here"
but the bus door was shut and the driver wasn't going to open it, I moved back down the back and told her to get my bag, empty it and put food in it and three of the younger people court wind of what we were doing.

"Were going with you" they said

I knew them all it was; Matthew, Marco and Deklan, all younger then twelve. I told them they could come with me and they went and got their food, but some of the older people found out what we were planning.

"Your not going anywhere" The oldest said

He was big and looked like he loved cake, I knew him to not by name but by reputation, he was in army cadets and knew how to fight. I on the other hand had only ever been in two fights, but won both. I knew if I got in a fight with him I would come out worse then I entered.

"We're going"

I said but then I realised my sister was at the other end of the bus and he wasn't going to let her pass. I quickly looked around for something that could help and saw the emergency hammer, I told my sister to come to me.

"You are not going anywhere" he said pointing and looking at her,

I quickly pulled the hammer from its position on the roof and hid it behind the seat I was standing at.

"Sit down" the big guy said pointing to both of us

"Come here" I told my sister

Just as the old one turned to say something to her I hit him on the back of the head with the hammer, he went down like a sack of bricks. Everyone on the bus looked at me, but I told the people who want to come with me to face the other way and cover the openings in their clothes. I raise the hammer and thrust it at the window, shattering the glass and putting my blazer on it jumping to the ground, my sister followed but Deklan put his hands on the glass shards and jumped out and landed with a thud on the floor.

"Use my blazer" I tell the rest

"Ok" they replied almost in unison

I rushed to get Deklan off the floor and picked him up. A lady ran up to us and told us to bring him inside and we all ran inside.

"Wait for us" I hear behind us

I turned around to see Robert and Will running after us

"Let them in, then close it and barricade it with a chair" I told Matthew and Marco

I put Deklan on the ladies kitchen table, he was all floppy the lady said he had passed out and she began pulling all the glass out of his hands, while I explained to everyone what was going on. After ten minutes of explaining, all the glass was out of Deklan's hands and they were all bandaged up, I heard screaming coming from outside Will went to open the door, but I stopped him just as he pulled the chair away from the door.

"Wait" I said putting the chair back

"Why" he replied

"We don't know what's out there, there was people eating each other remember"

"Oh yeah"

"LOOK" Matthew called

"Shush" I told him "everyone keep quite"

We looked outside and saw the bus being overrun by people eating each other.
"There's nothing we can do" I told everyone
The lady burst into tears and started screaming.

"WERE ALL GONNA DIEEEEE" she pulled the chair out and ran outside.

I ran to the kitchen and grabbed the biggest knife I could find, and ran to the front door there was one thing inside and it was going for Robert. I ran up and stabbed it in the chest, and it seemed to do nothing to it so I raised my arm and stabbed it in the head, as it collapsed in a heap on the floor. Matthew quickly put the chair back, and stepped back looking at the body on the floor.

"What the hell is going on?" Marco asked

Before I could say anything Robert replied, as we all stared at him

"Zombie apocalypse"

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