Doomsday Prepper

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Just as we pulled out the parking lot we saw the electric zom and driving quicker it looked at us. By this time it was 10:00 and we were feeling pretty good about ourselves. I pulled over and asking Marco to look out for zoms I got the Ipad with data and went to maps and planned a route to find mum, I didn't know the location of where dad worked but mum would.

I planned the route there and got back in the drivers seat and starting it up drove off the route said it would take half an hour to get there, it was 10:15 now, I would do it in fifteen minutes I asked everyone to come to the front were the seats were and they did. I put my foot down harder and getting into sixth gear, the bus was going pretty fast. I looked at the speed dial and saw it was only sixty.

"What a shit bus" I said

We went down the freeway at sixty kilometres an hour, at 10:30 I pulled down a long road and new I would not make it in fifteen minutes, but I kept going at full speed. In the distance I saw another bus surrounded by zoms with what looked like a dead person on top.

"Ram it" Matthew said

"Do it" Will added

I told them I would do it at an angle just in case. As we got closer I saw there was a dumpster surrounded by zoms and saw a body on top, I honked the horn but none of them moved. When I got really close the body on top looked at us and he started running but it was to late, we hit the zoms and dumpster sending the body on top flying and knocking the bus on its side. I looked back and saw the man was alive but had landed badly but was surrounded by zoms that started attacking him. Eating him alive. I turned back around and saw a turn and turned hard left, my maps told me to make a U-turn when possible. I saw a roundabout up ahead and turned around on it, and as we did the bus made a loud bang. We drove past the road with the bus we hit which was on fire and got a glimpse of someone with a pole through them.

I kept driving and saw a station ahead of us and pulled into it. The time was 10:40, and we got out and looked around the bus, nothing seemed wrong so we got back on and continued towards the school. After five more minutes of driving I pulled up to the school, it was filled with zoms as far as the eye could see. Charlotte started crying and I drove off. Deklan was extremely quite, but Robert thought it found a place they could go. It was a scrap yard with heaps of metal they could use on the bus. We all agreed we should head there and I pulled off and started driving. We soon discovered a problem, when this first happened hundreds of people tried to get away and the roads were filled with cars. We could push some out the way with the plow but it wouldn't end in our favour.

"Who cares" Marco said "we can make a new one"

"He's right" Robert said "that's why we're going there"

"Okey dokey" I said "let's go"

I reversed the bus about one hundred metres back and then put the bus in full speed heading straight down the middle of a row of cars. The plow broke on the first car has we hit it at full speed we heard a loud bang and Matthew said it was the tire, I opened the door and he got out and saw we lost both tired. This bus was shit.

"We live next door to someone who has a racing bus" Will said

"And were near our house" Matthew added

"Ok" I said "how far is it the bus can't go much further"

"Three streets over" Will said

"Ok why not"

We got back on the bus and asked Matthew to tell everyone what was happening and to be ready to move all the food, I turned the bus back on and reversed. We were a lot slower now but we were moving, with Will guiding me we moved through the streets there was the occasional car but they all seemed to be on that one road. When we finally got to Wills house he pointed to a huge green bus.

"That one. He's a doomsday preparer"

"A what?" I asked

"He's paranoid about the end of the world" he said

"Oh right"

I drove up closer and parked blocking the bus in. Matthew and Robert picked up their weapons and I got my rake and we moved towards the house. From the front everything looked normal so we tried the front door but it didn't work.

"We've been inside" Matthew said "he told us about it a month ago"

"Is there another way in?" I asked

"Think so round back" he replied

I looked over the side fence and saw one zom, I jumped on the fence and got onto the roof and moving along it I got above the zom but slipped knocking two roof tiles to the ground. Three zoms stumbled out from the house.

"Wow if I hadn't done that I would have been overwhelmed" I thought to myself

Matthew got to the roof and said he would help, I told him to jump assassins creed style and land on ones head. He pointed one out and said he would go for that one, I choose a different one and said on one that we would go.




We both jumped off the roof and landing almost perfectly crushed the zoms skull with the rake. I looked over to Matthew whom had landed on top of the zom losing his spear in the process. His spear landed in between the two zoms. The zom got up and went for him, and throwing my rake like a spear, court it's head killing it. The other one looked at me, it was disgusting. I ran and slid at it grabbing the spear and pushing it through the zoms head. That was three more dead. We heard a gun cocking, and turned around.

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