The child

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We started off on our trip to school, so I went up the ladder first and then Matthew who helped Deklan up followed by everyone else. We saw for a long way off corpses walking around aimlessly awaiting for someone hopeless person to stumble by.

"What do we do now" Matthew asked

"That way is the highway where we can cross" I said pointing

"But look down there" Robert said pointing to all the walkers "how do we get past them"

"Have you heard of Assassins Creed games?" I asked

Running and jumping to the other building, it was a small gap to the next house roof but for Marco and Will who were smaller had to jump harder and Marco almost slipped. It took about an hour to get to the last house before the highway.

"Wow" Deklan said

"There's so many" Robert added

"How are we going to get across" Marco asked

"Create a distraction" I said "we need something loud"

Robert pulled out his little portable speaker.

"Will this do?" He asked

"Perfect" I replied

He connected his iPad to the speaker and choose the loudest song he had turned the volume up and started playing it, it took about 3 minutes for all the walkers to come to the speaker and Robert threw it in the back of the next house over, and some of the walkers followed but not all has Robert was out in the open. 

"Get behind the roof" I whispered to him

He moved behind where we were hiding and waited for a couple of minutes, then looking over the roof we saw they were all at the next house.

"Okay let's move quickly and quietly" I whispered

I went around and hopped to the floor all the walkers were about ten meters away from where I landed, I helped everyone down and then will slipped as he was coming down and knocked a roof tile off, it slid down the roof and got stuck on the gutter making a small thud hardly noticeable over the music still played very loud. After everyone was down we moved quickly to the bridge weapons still up and moved in between all the cars, we ran into two zombies but with the rake we made short work of it. Just before we got off the bridge we came across a car with two small children in it and no parents, I tired to open the door and they both looked at me trying to get in but they just sat there.

"Let me in" I said "we have food we can help you"

They were both fairly young and one unlocked the door I told them people were killing each other and they both looked scared but didn't say anything.

"You can come with me if you want" I told them "but you have to come now"

They looked at each other and slid out towards me, but suddenly all we heard was screaming coming form two cars back we looked and saw a walker eating someone with a child next to them. The child got out and ran the opposite way to us, and off the bridge where all the walkers were listening to music we heard screaming again and the child started running towards us with about fifty walkers behind him. We started moving towards the other end of the bridge where we saw three walkers appear out of the side, I ran to one and shoved the rake into one and Matthew and Will took down the second and Robert stabbed the third in the neck as he couldn't reach its head, I ran to help him but my sister pushed a knife into its head before I could get there. The screaming child was still running towards us, was about halfway across the bridge when suddenly a walker came out of no where and grabbed the child, the two that were in the car ran and jumped out there was a boy and a girl running up to us. We looked behind them and the child had gotten free but was bleeding from several places the biggest of which was his neck which was squirting blood, I knew from physics that one of his major vanes and been broken and it was only a matter a of time before he either bled out or turned or both if it's like the movies.

"Keep moving" I told the group

As we moved off the road and onto the side we saw a farm and we saw a walker running almost sprinting around a paddock where a horses corpse lay half eaten.

"Wait why is it sprinting?" Deklen asked

"I don't know" I replied "I know as much as you"

We stood watching it for a bit, waiting to see if anything happened to it but nothing did after a while we saw the child that was on the bridge walking towards us the little boy who was in the car asked if we could kill him so he's not one of those and we said we would. He asked if he could and we gave him our makeshift spear to use, he walked up to him and got it ready, I followed close behind in case it went sideways. The walker child looked at him a growled, then started sprinting at him, when it was about five meters away from him it jumped and lunged at him, I quickly moved him out the way a raised my rake up to it, meeting it in the face and killing it, again, instantly. The boy started to cry and dropped the spear running to his sister. I bent down and picked it up before pulling my rake out the walkers face.

"We need to move" I told them

I gave the spear back to Matthew, and Robert started walking off followed by everyone else, I went last. After a sharp bend we saw Darcey a little year seven girl and Deklen ran to meet her, and started telling her about the apocalypse that was going on. Once we all court up to them she asked if the could come with us and we all agreed and told her our plan. We told her to leave her bag but bring her food and chuck it in my bad. After that we continued the long trip towards school, and after that Matthew told us the time was eight o'clock.

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