Bus Modification

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"Where did you get those?" one of the little children asked,

We still hadn't asked their name.

"Found em in outdoor education office" I replied

We walked to the parking lot and I went to the three buses the school and had pressed unlock, it was the biggest one.

"Great" I said "I can't even drive a car let alone a bus"

I got in the drivers side and turned the bus on, I knew what all the dials were. I'm not that stupid. The fuel was full soI put my foot on the clutch, while everyone was sitting down.

"Come to the front" I told everyone

They moved back down the front and squeezed in the front two seats. I tuned the ignition and the engine roared into life. I put it in gear one and slowly pulled of the clutch and on to the throttle, the bus jerked and cut out.

"Bugger" I said

I heard giggling coming from behind me. I did it all again and this time it moved forwards slowly. Instead of heading for the gate I turned up into the school road and headed for the woodwork room, I pulled up and stalled the bus. Again. I told everyone we were going to make it zombie proof by barricading the front and side widows. I grabbed my rake and walked out and checked for zoms, but they were all the other end of the school and still going out following the person drumming. We ran into the woodwork room and broke the back wall. It had broken before and a shelf was just put there to cover up the hole. I told Matthew and Will to guard us and Marco and the two new children who had told Charlotte their name and I over heard, they were Bonnie and Clyde. Parents must have had a sense of humour. I asked them to help get wood out the room and Robert and me were going to put the wood on the side of the bus. It took a couple of hours and four zoms came to see what we were doing, but when we were finally done it was nearly nightfall. We decided to make a few modifications to the inside aswell. Where the skylight was we pulled it off and put a rope and pully system on it. It was quite good and Robert was proud of coming up with the idea, it acted as a guard post allowing someone to stand on it and then pull themselves up to see out over the bus. The back six rows of chairs had also been pulled out and we turned it into a storage area and had ten beds for us, it was all compacted and looked very cool. The bus also had curtains and we made it almost pitch black looking from the outside. It was very good. Our first night in our new home. We all sat around in our beds. There was: Charlotte, Deklan, Robert, Will, Matthew, Marco, Bonnie, Clyde and me.
The next morning when I woke up, Deklan was already awake. I got up and used our new guard system to look around the bus.

"No zoms" I thought to myself  "today is gonna be a good day"

I got down from our guard post and walked to the front of the bus and opened the door.

"We need a snow plow type thing on the front and to make the door a bit more lockable" I said

I woke everyone up and told them what we needed to do it our bus and split up in two, I was doing the plow. We tried to put it together different ways but in the end we just got wood and put two sheets of metal over it, drilled it in place. It was fairly strong and we over drilled it in putting more screws on then we needed and even doubling up on the wood and metal to make it even stronger. Once we did that, I went to check to see how our door was coming along. They had made a sort of lock and it could only be opened from the inside easily but outside was a bit more complex. It was very good. We all got back into the bus, but as I couldn't drive it was hard to turn around but I eventually got it and pulled up to the gate. Apparently the wifi was still on. I asked everyone to google how to get fuel from cars and everyone googled it. I didn't realise they all had iPads and after an hour of watching YouTube Robert thought he figured it he asked for a fairly long tube and gas canister.

"If you can find one, you can have it" I told him

"Fine" he replied "Robert come with me"

"Ok" Robert said

They went outside and I climbed on top of the bus and sat watching them. They went to most cars looking in and said they found what they needed but needed to smash a window, I told them they could and if they made a noice to quickly grab it and run to the bus. I got in the drivers seat and got the bus ready to go and heard the glass smash but no alarm I heard three more and still no alarms. Everyone got out the bus and went to help, but it didn't work. Robert kept trying but it was only half working. I told him to suck it harder and guess what it worked he finally got it and fuel was coming through the tube into one of the four containers he found. The first car only filled about half the canister so Deklan moved to the next. Just as the last one was filling up. Will said he saw someone running in between the cars and when he went to look a car alarm went off. He ran back to the bus and everyone followed except Deklan who wanted to finish the job. I got Marco and Will to open the gates and they did but Deklan couldn't carry the gas canister by himself so Matthew ran to help him and they carried it on together. I turned the bus on and and they stepped on the bus I pulled away slowly enough so that Marco and Will could jump on and then I put my foot down hard and started driving faster, and managing to get into second gear got faster and seeing a zom horde I sped up a bit and headed right for them. Our new plow was effective and was killing some zoms and pushing others out the way.

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