Chapter Two

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Seven Years Later:

Lucy was depressed. She had come all the way to Hargeon only to find one magic shop where sex appeal didn't help her any.

"Stupid shopkeeper! How am I supposed to get into Fairy Tail if I don't have strong keys?!" She grumbled to herself, earning many strange looks. She flushed and kept walking down the street. Up ahead, she noticed a gathering of girls. They were yelling and screaming, Salamander.

Salamander?! The Salamander here in Hargeon? May be Mom is looking after me! She ran into the crowd to get a look at Fairy Tail's exclusive Salamander. It was said he was a S-class wizard and hot beyond belief. Literally and figuratively. He used Fire Magic, thus earning the name Salamander.

When Lucy finally pushed through the hoard of girls (man were they mean!) she saw the "Salamander" for the first time. He was average looking with weird purple hair. For some strange reason, when Lucy laided her eyes on him, silly hearts started to flash in her eyes. She squealed and jumped forward, only to run into a pink haired teenager, around her own age wearing a white scaly scarf. The hearts in her eyes broke as she looked at him.

"Sorry! I didn't mean..." The boy ignored her and continued forward to look at the Salamander. Salamander cleared his throat and handed him an autograph. The boy glared at it.

"Come on, kid. If you wanted one, you could have just asked instead of running into that pretty little thing there." Salamander winked at Lucy, but suddenly, she didn't feel anything for him again.

"And who are you?" The boy asked. He was quiet but forceful.

Salamander gulped and then grinned. "Why, the famous Salamander of Fairy Tail!" He spun around and Lucy caught the ring in his figure. It was a illegal magical charm that attracted people's heart to the user.

"I haven't seen you before. Also, I personally know the Salamander. You're not him." The teen smirked like it was inside joke.

The Salamander was starting to sweat. He was starting to sweat a lot. "You must be mistake! I'm the Salamander!" His charm seemed to have started wearing out as girls started walking away from him.

The boy smiled. "Well Bora, I have to say it was a good ruse. Trying to use Fairy Tail's Salamander, the S-class Fire Mage was good thinking. Except you didn't think about what would happen if he happened to pass by and hear some village people talking about "Salamander's" arrival in the port, did you?"

Bora gulped. Lucy recognized the name Bora. He was an ex-member of the Guild Titan Nose. He was wanted for charges of using illegal magic and his slave trade of young girls.

"You'll never caught me!" Bora shouted and threw purple fire at the pinkett. Lucy gasped and reached for Aquarius's key only to watch the flames disappear into the boy's mouth. The boy smiled. Bora paled even more, realizing his mistake.

Bora fell back, yelling, "I'm sorry!," to try and stop the boy's advancement on him. The boy kept going, not pausing. He hit Bora once, with a flaming fist, knocking him out. Lucy watched as the Rune Knights were called and Bora was put into handcuffs. They handed the boy a bag a jewels and left. Only Lucy and the boy were left. The boy turned to glare at her, obviously annoyed that she was still there.

"Natsu Dragneel! How dare you leave me in the middle of a forest! I almost got lost! Master Makarov asked me to watch you! How dare you!" A fly blue cat yelled. Lucy felt her mouth hit the floor. A talking cat! A flying talking cat! Lucy gulped, realizing the boy was still staring at her.

"Natsu! Leave the girl alone. Or say hi. I'm Happy!" The cat introduced himself.

"Umm... I'm L-L-Lucy." She stuttered. Happy smiled them glared back at Natsu. Natsu didn't say anything, just sighed like it was a shame that he couldn't lose Happy.

"Thank you for saving me before, from the charm." Lucy said awkwardly to Natsu. His eyes traced her face for any signs of lying. When he didn't find any, he nodded.

"Come on, Natsu. Say you're welcome." Happy sighed. "Are you a mage? Most non-magic users wouldn't have noticed the charm."

Lucy nodded. "I'm a Celestial Spirit Mage. Are you from Fairy Tail?"

Happy nodded. "Aye! if you haven't figured it out yet, Natsu is the Salamander, one of Fairy Tail's strongest mages. Are you looking for a guild to join?"

Lucy nodded happily. "Yes! Do you think I could join Fairy Tail?"

"Aye! We accept everyone! I can take you there. Natsu will be coming too, if he actually stays with us. Come one! Let's go before he-NATSU!! GET BACK HERE! Come on! Let's get him." Happy and Lucy started running after Natsu. He had started walking sometime while they were talking. Natsu was almost out of sight and seemed to be walking steadily faster.

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