Chapter Twelve

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Chapter Twelve

Natsu was glad to finally have some alone time. Master had really outdone himself this time.

Team Natsu. What a stupid idea. Like it would actually help anything. Everyone is just as annoying as before. It's probably only gotten worse. They still don't trust me. Natsu thought to himself.

Natsu was doing a perimeter sweep of the island. Since the boat was overturned by a wave, he had had a bad feeling about the island. Something had changed the attitude of the land and made it hostile. It didn't want strangers here. Its falling darkness only added to the feeling.

As he was doing a perimeter sweep, he noticed an odd assembling of people further in the island. They seemed to be surrounding a large crater in the ground. They were all in cloaks and their faces were covered. They were chanting. Now that Natsu thought about it, night should not have fallen. By his calculations, it should be somewhere around noon, not night fall. This island was having trouble with its time zones.

He decided he should try and get closer. He vanished to reappear in the closest tree to the talking pair. His enhanced hearing let him hear everything perfectly.

"Why must we work in these conditions?" One cloaked girl said, judging from the voice.

"The boss wants it done in two days." Another answered her. His voice was bold and powerful. Him and the girl were both wizards.

Interesting. Their using the island to do something. A ritual from the looks of it.

The girl sighed and pushed back her hood. "And why must we wear these hideous things? It's not like the people here will remember us." Her hair was pink and she was pouting like a five year old.

"We have orders. The arrival of the Fairy Tail Mages has put him and Zalty on edge. They have waited three years for this and to have us mess up now would be catastrophic. Have patients, Sherry."

Sherry snorted. "Easier for you to say. You can't do wrong, Yuka."

Yuka sighed and took off his hood. "Fine, but try not to do anything stupid. And keep Toby on a short leash."

Sherry grinned and walked away. "I'll be back soon."

Natsu vanished from the tree and reappeared on the beach. The sun had completely set and it was black. The Stars were bright but the radiance from the waxing moon over powered their faint light.

This is bad. Not as bad as I thought it would be but still not good. I...we have to be careful now. That ritual they were doing seemed to be for the Moon Drip. It takes about three years so if what the girl said was true, it's almost done. If it is the Moon Drip, it would explain the villagers' memory lost and human transformation. Natsu sighed. If he had it his way, everyone around the crater would be out for the count and their "boss" would be dealt with. But now he had to concern himself with the others and they wouldn't approve of his ways. Natsu decided it was better to go and share his findings with everyone else.

"My, my. Where do you think your going?" Yuka asked him. Yuka walked out from between two trees and into the moonlight. "It's rude to spy on others."

Natsu sighed. So much for getting the others.

"What? No comment. Oh well. I'll stop you first then report back to the boss. He'll be pleased." Yuka smile and took a battle stance.

Natsu glared and shot a Dragon's Wing at him. Yuka didn't move, only smiled and stood there. Before the attack could touch him, it dissipated around him. Yuka smiled.

"That the best you got?" He taunted.

Natsu really didn't have time to screw around with him. His magic was obviously some type of wave magic. Natsu could detect the air around him shift to deflect his first attack. He could dispel magic but not physical attacks, Natsu hypothesized.

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