Chapter Ten

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Chapter Ten

A few weeks later:

"It's so hot! I'm gonna melt." Lucy complained to Happy and Levy.

"Aye, and then I get to eat you!" Happy exclaimed.

"Umm... Lu-chan I think Happy is broken." Levy said.

"Aye! I am!" Then Happy fell over with fish circling his head.

"I think he overheated. Poor cat." Lucy said before she picked up by the tail and dropped into the sink behind the bar that was full of ice.

"Ah! You're so mean Lucy!" Happy wailed as he flew away to hide on Gray 's head.

"I was try to help you...You know it's too hot, nevermind." She sighed and slumped down in her seat.

"You could always go on a mission somewhere cold." Levy suggested fanning herself.

"Yeah but who would I go with? I mean, you can't abandon Shadow Gear, can you?"

"I guess you're right. They would be lost without me. What about Gray and Erza?" Levy glanced behind her to see Jet and Droy fighting over a chair even though there were dozens of empty ones.

Lucy's soul started leaving her body as she thought about the last time they did that. The guild still owed money to help replant the trees that were destroyed.

"Okay! Okay! How about you and Happy go on a nice easy one?" Levy got a look that could kill for that one.

"Fine! Picky... How about...Natsu?"

Lucy thought about it. It was actually a good suggestion. Natsu probably wouldn't destroy too much and he wouldn't be as annoying as Happy. It could work except...

"Is he even here? I mean, I haven't seen him at all since Lullaby."

Levy shrugged. "I've only ever seen him about two times total. I was never close to them as a child. I mostly hid in the library studying. Erza and Gray challenged him more than anybody. Even Mira until she gave up after five straight losses."

"Mira? She gave up?" Lucy never thought Mira of all people would do that.

Levy nodded. "Yep. It was horrible the last time. He use too much power and came close to killing her. But in Natsu's defense, she started seriously trying to kill him." Levy shivered at the memory.

The more Lucy thought about it the more it it made sense. Mira had a nasty temper and was really quick to anger.


"Yep. Well anyways, you could try a solo one. It would help you improve your fighting skills." Levy suggested.

Lucy paused. It wasn't that she was afraid (she was), it was that everyone else was so powerful. She could have never defeated the demon on her own, while Natsu basically had defeated it on his own. She was nothing compared to him or Erza or even Levy. She was so smart it made Lucy feel stupid. Levy could see the change in her.

"Oh, come on." Levy pulled Lucy out of her chair, making her lose her balance.

Lucy was startled. "What are we doing?"

Levy grinned. "We're going to find Natsu and make him go on a mission with you!"


"Oh, I'm so helping. Lisanna, Elfman! Come on! We're going to find a dragon!" Mira yelled, having overheard the conversation.

This got the attention of the whole guild hall. "Are they seriously looking for Natsu?" Macao asked.

Reedus nodded. "But they're never going to find him if he doesn't want to be found." Reedus knew about Natsu's hiding place. It was Reedus who led him to it. He used to use the rafters to paint sky views of Fairy Tail. Now he just imagined them or used the second story balcony. It was safer on the balcony then in the rafters anyways.

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