Chapter Eleven

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Chapter Eleven

The train ride was uneventful. Just like before Natsu disappeared into his own room, leaving them to fend for themselves.

To get to Galuna Island meant taking a boat much to Natsu's annoyance.

"I'd rather swim or teleport." He muttered to himself.

Gray heard him. "What? You afraid of a boat ride?"

Natsu ignored him. Erza shot Gray a look that said "not now."

"Let's ask and see if anyone is willing to give us a ride to the island." Erza suggested.

"Fine by me." Gray walked off.

"Let's go Happy."

"Aye!" Lucy and Happy left, leaving Natsu and Erza alone.

"Come on. Let's ask the fisherman to see-" but Natsu disappeared mid sentence. "Or let's not talk to the fisherman. Your choice."

"Did anyone have any luck?" Lucy asked. Everyone shook their head. (Except Natsu.)

"Well, this is great. How do we get to Galuna Island?" Gray asked. All the locals of Hargeon weren't too thrilled to go anywhere near the island.

"Did you say Galuna Island?" A man is a tattered cloak asked. He looked rough and worn down. His one side was completely covered by the cloak.

"Yes." Natsu spoke up.

The man stepped forward. "Are you going there to lift the curse?"

Natsu nodded slowly, thinking about how to handle this man.

The man smiled brightly. "Then I will take you. It would be an honor of mine." Nodded down to pier to a little fishing boat. "That will get us there, no problem."

Erza noticed Natsu went slightly green at the notion of going on a boat. Erza had to repress a smile. At least now she knew why he got his own room on trains.

Natsu notice Erza staring and shot her a look that could have killed lesser beings.

"Well, shall we get to it?" Lucy asked, also noticing Natsu's tension with transportation.

"Yeah, we better." Natsu muttered, mostly to himself.

Lucy blinked a few times, letting her eyes adjust to the light. It was early morning. She tried to remember what happened but it was all a blur. She looked around.

Happy was half buried in the sand, still asleep. Erza was coming around, whining about not have enough cake. Gray was further up the beach looking for his pants. Natsu was missing, as usual.

"What happened?" Erza asked.

Lucy shrugged then realized it was a mistake. She was stiff and sore all over. Trying to stand was next to impossible.

"Fish..." Happy muttered.

Lucy sighed. "Well Happy's fine. So is Gray if his clothes are missing. Where's Natsu?"

Erza shot her a dark look. That question was obviously becoming tiresome. "Gee, I don't know. Probably somewhere on this island, unless this time Levy was right and she is currently winning the bet."

"Well, someone is grumpy. Did you wake up on the wrong side of the sand?" Lucy shot back.

Just then Gray came running back. "I think I see the village. Or at least I hope it is. It's surrounded by a wall."

"Maybe Natsu's there?" Happy suggested. He was awake enough to follow the conversation.

"Alright, let's get going." Erza decided on her own. Like always.

When they arrived at the gate, they were questioned by a little short old guy.

"Who are you?"

Erza walked up to him and smiled. "I'm Erza from Fairy Tail. These are my friends and fellow guild mates Gray , Lucy and Happy. We have one more member but he seems to be missing."

"Do you mean him?" The short guy pointed to what looked like a net. It had a person shape object in it. It was all black with a white strip around its neck. It seemed to be topped with pick fuzz on it.

"Is that Natsu?" Gray exclaimed, laughing.

"What happened?" Erza asked, quite confused.

"He was trying to break in. He wouldn't talk to anybody so we threw a net over him and tied him up."

At this point, Gray was a lost cause. He was laughing so much, he couldn't stand straight. Happy joined in, landing on his hair. Soon Lucy found herself giggling. Even Erza cracked a smile.

"They caught the rare Natsu Dragneel!" Gray giggled to himself

"Aye!" Happy joined in.

"That's our guild mate. Can we come in and explain ourselves?" Erza prompted.

"Are you here about the request we sent?" She nodded. The man then pushed a button and the gate opened to reveal three dozen armed warriors. In front of all of them was an old chief.

"Is he really your friend?" He asked.

"Well.." Erza elbowed Gray before he could finish. She nodded.

The chief gestured for Natsu to be let down. He land perfectly on his feet with a bored expression on his face. Erza knew he could have gotten out but it would have caused more problems for them. She sent his a grateful look which he ignored.

"You came on the mission?" The chief asked.

"Yes, we did. What would you like us to do?" Erza asked.

The chief pointed up to the sky. "On the next full moon, destroy the moon. You have two days to prepare. The moon is cursing us to become like demons every full moon. Some turn into a demon only to never regain their full human form. My own son was killed because he became fully demon." The chief held out his right arm. It was a claw covered in dark green scales.

"Destroy the moon? Are you-" Natsu interrupted Gray's outburst.

"We will do ask you ask. We will fix everything in two days." Natsu gestures for everyone in their party to follow him outside the gate and to the beach where they woke up.

"What the hell?! We can't destroy the moon!" Gray shouted. Before he could say more, Natsu punched him to shut him up. It worked because he knocked Gray out. Lucy shivered at the show of pure strength.

"There is more going on here. The people here are actually natural demons. As Bobo, the one from the boat, told us something weird has occurred to change their memories." Natsu explained.

Erza nodded. "That makes sense. What exactly happened on the boat?"

Natsu looked annoyed but never the less explained. "Bobo is the Chief's son. Once the son died, his memories returned. He has been waiting for someone to fix what is wrong on this island."

"Ghost! He was a ghost?" Lucy yelled.

"Yes, now stop yelling. I hate loud noises." Natsu muttered. He was back to his quiet creepy tone.

"So what now?" Erza asked.

"We'll look around and see what we can find." Natsu said. Gray groaned from his spot on the ground.

"What are we doing?"

Natsu sighed and disappeared. He head was starting to hurt from having to explain himself so many times.

"How exactly does he do that?" Lucy wondered out loud.

"I don't know. Go ask Natsu." Gray responded before laughing. Asking Natsu was really becoming a joke.

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