Chapter Three

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Chapter Three

"Wow! This place is awesome!" Lucy stared in wonder at all the different mages of Fairy Tail. They were drinking, laughing, and having a great time. It was filled with life and love. Lucy knew immediately this was where she was meant to be.

"Aye! Lisanna! I have a new guild member for you!" Happy shouted into the mess of the beginnings of a brawl. A table was thrown over Lucy and into the wall behind her. Happy ducked as a chair was tossed his way. A white haired young lady came out of the chaos holding an untouched tray of empty beer mugs. She smiled and ducked from the oncoming assortment of flying objects.

"Hey Happy, how did the mission go? And where did Natsu go? Oh, and welcome to Fairy Tail..." Lisanna said in rapid fire.

"Lucy! My name's Lucy." Lisanna smiled and gestured for them to follow her through the chaos and to the bar. Happy immediately followed but Lucy hung back, not wanting to get killed before her first mission. Lisanna smiled knowingly. She grabbed Lucy, dragging her through the fighting without getting hit once. She was impressed but it almost seemed like the others made a point of not hitting Lisanna as she walked around the guild.

"How did you do that?" Lucy asked.

Lisanna smiled. "They wouldn't dare beam me with anything. Mira, my sister, would probably kill them is they did. She's what you would call... over protective. It's nice but annoying because she makes it impossible for me to go on jobs. Anyway, how did you get to meet Happy?" They sat down at the bar, watching the fighting unfold. Lucy was amazed as one wizard ran around wearing only one sock and boxers. A lady was drinking straight out a barrel of beer in a very compromising position. She looked ready to pass out as she fell off the table and onto the floor, taking the beer with her.

"Umm... What? How did I meet Happy?" Lisanna nodded, amused at Lucy's captivation of the brawl and general chaos. "Well, I actually met Natsu first then Happy. Natsu had just beaten Bora and Happy came flying in yelling at Natsu."

Lianna sighed, clearly not surprised at Natsu's action. "That sounds like Natsu. He hates taking Happy on missions but Master won't let Natsu go alone anymore after all the damage he's caused. Millions of jewels alone, just on him. Master has had to pay to fix clock towers, ports, city buildings... the list goes on. Not that Happy helps much. Natsu usually loses him half the time and Happy comes back alone and hungry."

"What's with him? He won't even talk to me. In the two days we all traveled together, he barely acknowledged my presents."

"He was abandoned by his foster father in a forest when he was around 12. He hasn't trusted anyone since then. Plus, most people in the guild are afraid of him. His first day here, he beat three of the top wizards at the time. One of them was Mira. The other was Grey, the naked one and the other was Erza. She isn't here right now but she should be back tomorrow along with Mira. They went out on a quest to see who could kill the most monsters." Lucy sweated dropped at Lisanna's tone. It sounded like they did that a lot.

"Lisanna! Where is Master? I have to give him the report from Natsu." Happy piped up and asked.

"He's upstairs in a meeting with Porlyusica. He should be out in a few minutes." Lisanna informed him. Happy nodded and went back to eating fish. Lucy stared the the pile of bones already bigger than him sitting there.

"When he comes down, I'll talk to him about letting you get the stamp. He'll let you in, don't worry. Anyways, yeah Natsu is quite a character. Just don't get on his bad side and he'll leave you alone. Well mostly unless you're Master or maybe Grey. He hates Grey with a passion after an incident years ago involving a bucket of paint and a net. You don't want to know." Lucy was beginning to doubt it was such a good idea following the talking cat here.

The fight around them seemed to have gotten steadily worse. There was a rise in magical power that was getting to the point where it was close to overflowing into the tangible world. Lucy glanced nervously as she saw the first blue sparks of ice magic. Lisanna was still unconcerned.

"Are you sure this is fine? It seems to be getting really heated out there." A bottle flew wide of Lisanna and into the bar behind her. She shook her head.

"It should be fine. They usually stop before magic gets involved. Usually." Now she didn't sound that confident now. She cringed as a table was frozen over and thrown into the wall. It shattered, causing shards to fly everywhere. "Or not today." She muttered.

"Stop you brats! I leave for two minutes are you guys start a war?!" A giant yelled.

Lucy squeaked and hid behind the bar. Lisanna smiled and started laughing. Happy drifted over. Everyone started laughing a dropped their magic. The giant shrunk down into the form of a little old man. Lucy gawked openly. He came over to the bar and grabbed a beer mug, downing it almost as fast a Cana could down a barrel.

"Master! Natsu ditched me again and I brought home a lost girl. She's really heavy!" Happy reported. Lucy went to grab him but he flew away to get a fish.

The tiny man, now known as the Master of Fairy Tail, looked over Lucy. Creepily. He grinned. "Well, okay then. You're in."

"Really?! Lucy yelled. Master nodded and went back to drinking.

"See! Told you! So where do you want the guild mark?" Lisanna asked while getting out the stamps.

"On my hand in pink!" Lisanna stamped her hand. Lucy held it up to the light, admiring it. Lisanna laughed.

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