Chapter Four

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Chapter 4

Then Next Day:

Lucy was way out of her element. She only knew Lisanna and Happy out all the people in the guild. As she watched Lisanna and Happy interact with the others, she felt left out. A girl with blue hair and glasses walked over. She was trailed by two boys who seemed to be fighting over what her favorite color was.

"Hey! I'm Levy. It looked like you could use a friend or at least a person to talk to." She smiled and held out a hand. Lucy took it and smiled back.

"I'm Lucy! And yes I could use a friend. It's so chaotic here, I don't know what to do." Levy smiled.

"Everyone is like that their first day. You get used to it quickly. If you're Lisanna, you're lucky. Mira would murder anyone who hurt her, no questions asked. Anyway, the two behind me and Jet and Droy. We're part of team Shadow Gear."

Jet and Droy waved once before going back to their argument. Levy sweat dropped when she finally understood the direction of their conversation. She could answer for herself, you know.

"Anyways, is it true that you had to travel with Natsu the entire way here? Lisanna has a big mouth, FYI." Levy smiled sheepishly.

Lucy sighed. "Yeah, he barely talked to me. Hey, Lisanna didn't really get into it but what exactly happened to Natsu?"

Levy noticeably paled. "Well... um...He's kinda... um... antisocial?" Levy shrugged. "I really don't know myself. No one does but Master and maybe Gildarts. He doesn't talk much. Like at all. The most I've heard him talk was when he went on a rampage after Gray dropped a bucket of paint on him, then Mira and Erza used it as a distraction to capture him in a net. Master was not happy when he came back for the Guild Master's Meeting that year."

Lucy sighed. "Oh well... That's... Where they really that dumb?"

Levy laughed. "It was April Fools. They had to do something to after his prank the year before. Since then Master has outlawed April Fool pranks in the guild hall. Beware though, they can still happen outside the hall."

Lucy laughed. "Anyways, when are Mira and Erza supposed to be back? I'm excited to see them!"

Levy gulped. "They should be here-" She was cut off when there was a loud crash and some screaming.

"YOU RED-HEAD SEA BITCH! I KILLED MORE MONSTERS THAN YOU!" A girl with long white hair in all black was yelling and dragging a red-headed girl in armour behind her. A large white haired man was trailing behind them covered in bruises, lugging a decorated horn behind him. He looked defeated as the girls kept screaming.

"ATLEAST I DIDN'T DESTROY A TOWN RELIC YOU SLUT!" The red haired girl yelled back. She was struggling to get out of the goth girl's grip.

Lisanna ran forward. "STOP IT BOTH OF YOU! Mira let Erza go NOW!" The goth girl, Mira, surprisingly let go to embrace her sister. Erza sent a glare at Mira but a thankful smile to Lisanna. The guy behind them let out a very loud whimper when he set down the horn and all but collapsed from exhaustion. Lisanna quickly let go of Mira and ran to the guy.

"Elfman! Are you okay?! What did you two do to him this time?" Lisanna questioned Mira and Erza. Erza glared and pointed at Mira. Mira mirrored her. Lisanna sighed and start to help Elfman to his feet. He was swaying dangerously.

"They wouldn't stop yelling... so tired... no sleep... got kicked out of the village..." He muttered.

"That's it! I'm asking, no TELLING Mater to make you two take Natsu with you next time." Lisanna looked livid.

Once Lisanna walked away with aErza, Mira and a half dead Elfman, the guild started to get noisy again. Lucy turned towards Levy with wide eyes.

"N-never mind. I-I take it back." Levy laughed.

"Well, yeah. That was Erza and Mira. They hate each other. Well, okay, not hate but they have a healthy rivalry going on." Lucy shot Levy a look. Levy shrugged in response. "You could have seen Natsu and Grey walking in the door fighting instead. That would have left holes in the ceiling." Lucy shivered.

Following the talking cat was definitely a bad idea. (Okay, not really but this was too much.)

"Okay... If thats what you call a rivalry." Levy just smiled and went on to the next topic.

"Who else have you met?"

Lucy smiled. "No one else really." Levy gasped in shock.

"Well come on! That won't do!" Levy jumped up and started dragging Lucy around the guild to introduce her new guild mates. In under an hour, Lucy had met just about everyone, save Mira, Erza and Elfman. Levy led Lucy back to where they had been sitting previously.

"So have you been thinking about taking any jobs? Shadow Gear could always go with you. We have to leave for one today if you want to join in." Levy asked.

Lucy had been thinking about it. It would be nice to get some experience. But then Lucy also felt bad about dragging someone who barely knew her on a probably terrible quest. Plus, it seemed that she would have to deal with a very annoying Jet and Droy fighting over Levy. They seemed like a good team, just not her team. Lucy smiled at Levy.

"No, it's okay. It seems like you have your hands full." She motioned to the two idiots arguing behind her. This time it was about food. Levy had stopped the color argument with a random color 20 minutes earlier. Levy smiled.

"Well, okay. You're welcomed anytime to join us. See you! Good luck!" Levy waved bye as she set off with Jet and Droy in tow. Lucy waved back feeling much better.

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