Chapter Five

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Chapter Five

Lucy jumped when she felt a hand on her shoulder.

Lucy whirled around only to find Lisanna behind her. Lisanna laughed.

"Sorry! Why don't you come and meet Erza and Mira. I promise they won't hit you, just each other." Lisanna didn't wait for an answer. Lucy hurried after her, dodging a chair. Lisanna was lucky, Lucy decided. Another brawl was in the making over someone spilling Cana's beer. (Not that she wasn't doing that herself, mind you.)

When they arrived, Mira was throwing straws at Erza as she tried to devour a strawberry cake. Erza was trying her hardest to eat it before Mira successfully ruined a delicious cake with her straws. Lisanna sighed and grabbed the cup of straws, relieving Mira of her ammunition.

"Will you two quit it?! This is Lucy. Hurt her and I'll cry." Lisanna left a defeated Mira and Erza in her wake.

Mira turned to glare at Lucy like she made Lisanna sad. She looked over Lucy with a "humph" before leaving to join in on the fight. Erza gave Lucy a measuring look before demolishing the last of her cake. Lucy tentatively sat down across from Erza where Mira had previously sat.

"I'm Erza. Nice to meet you. Sorry about Mira, she can be a bitch. I heard that you came in with Natsu. How was that if you don't mind me asking?"

Lucy sighed. "It was quiet and kind of creepy. He didn't say anything to me or Happy. Natsu tried to ditch Happy and me more than once. What happened to Natsu?" Lucy had asked many times before but no one had given her a clear answer.

A half clothed teen walked up and joined their conversation. "Yeah Ezra, tell her. We all know you love that story." Erza glared. He sat down and gave Lucy a smile smile as a greeting. They had met briefly on Levy's tour of the guildmates.

"Gray, you ass. Fine. Well, I don't know much about his past before he came to Fairy Tail but I can tell you what happened his first day here..."

"Attention everyone! Listen up. This here is Natsu Dragneel. Give him a warm welcome." Master announced to the guild. The person is question was clad in black with an expressionless face. The older members of the guild looked at the child then at Master with questioning in their eyes. Master ignored them and sent the child off to the nearest table, knowing his younger brats would be by to bother Natsu. Of course Master was right as the younger generation were the first to go over to the pinkette and introduce themselves.

"Hello! I'm Lisanna. This is my brother Elfman and my sister Mirajane but everyone calls her Mira. The red head is Erza and the naked boy is Gray . Cana is the one sitting at the table alone. Laxus is probably upstairs. Levy's is in the library. Follow me and I'll show you around." Lisanna smiled and tried to get him to too. Instead of saying or doing anything, Natsu just stared at her. Lisanna smiled again but something about his green eyes made her feel naked and scared.

"Hey, come on man." Gray said as he reached out to pull Natsu with them to walk around.

But before Gray could even touch Natsu, he was thrown into the wall at the other side of the guild. Everyone stopped at the crash and stared at Natsu.

"Hey! You can't go around doing that!" Erza yelled at him. She got no response, only a stare, which only made her madder. "If you want to fight someone fight me!" She yelled before attacking him.

"Master, shouldn't you stop this?" Gildarts asked. Master and Gildarts were sitting at the bar watching the action unfold. They appeared to be unworried at the fighting, but the older members knew better. They were testing the new kid.

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