Chapter Nine

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Chapter Nine

Natsu didn't set them down; it was more like he kicked them out of his bubble and onto the tracks. He was annoyed and Gray found it extremely funny that the dragon slayer's usually stoney face was showing annoyance.

"What's the plan now?" Erza asked. She was bursting with pent up anger.

Natsu was still floating above them. "I will get Erigor and you will go to the Guild Masters Meeting and wait there."

"Oh, how did you escape?" A silky voice asked. Erigor materialized out of the wind. He held the flute in one hand.

"That wall was weak on the inside, much like you." Natsu taunted back.

Erigor lost his smirk for a second before putting it back in place. "Well it's seems like you're just an arrogant boy. I'd show you what real power is but then I'd be late." Erigor tried to get past Natsu but Natsu got in front of him first. Erigor pulled back with a look of annoyance.

"Why are you guys still here?" Natsu asked.

Erza glanced at Natsu then at Erigor. He could be a tough opponent. She thought. Then she saw the look in Natsu eyes. It was a brief but she still caught it. Natsu enjoyed fighting. He liked the challenge Erigor offered him. It scared Erza but at the same one she realized he never once had that expression while fighting her or any of the others from the guild.

"Come on guys. Natsu can take him." Erza stated and started running on the tracks toward the meeting hall and away from Natsu.

Once they were gone, Natsu rolled his shoulders and cracked his neck. He took off his black cloak to reveal full black battle attire get up. His torso was clad in what looked like black leather with metal studs along the seams. His black cargo pants had chains hanging from every pocket. He had on black heavy duty combat boots. The only thing out of place was the white scarf carefully tied around his neck. Everything about him screamed powerful.

Erigor smiled, not impressed on his attire. "So what? You think you can beat me? You arrogant-"

Natsu disappeared only to reappear behind him. He mutter "Fire Dragon's Fist" and punched Erigor to the ground. Erigor got up, bleeding from a small cut on his lip.

"So, you're Fairy Tail's Fire Dragon." Erigor smiled. "Then there's not reason for me to hold back. Windmaille." His body was engulfed in wind.

"Nothing can get through this-"

Natsu, not screwing around this time, used a roar and launched Erigor towards the meeting hall. Erigor used the momentum to carry him to the hall. Erza and the rest had already gotten there and all the guild masters were ready for an attack.

Erigor never got a chance to attack though because his Windmaille has started to chip. "What? How is this possible?" Natsu appeared behind him. He grabbed Erigor and started punching him until he was unconscious. At some point, Lullaby had rolled away.

"Natsu, I think you're done." Master said. He sweat dropped as Natsu let Erigor fall without remorse.

"Well, lookie here! That's your famous Fire Dragon here to save the day. Those are some kids you have there, Makarov." Blue Pegasus's Master said.

"Thank you." Master offered him a tight smile. Natsu was standing there, sudden looking very bored. "Natsu, where is Lullaby?"

Just then a tremor shook the ground. The flute started to glow and out of it came a black fog. "Well, it sure feels good to be out." It took the shape of a giant monster. It was gross and ancient looking. The power coming from it was unbelievably strong.

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