Chapter Six

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Chapter Six

Lucy sighed. She was bored. It had been a week and nothing exciting had happened yet. Even the brawls were becoming repetitive as Lucy hid each time from an assortment of flying objects. It was amazing how often they happened.

"Lucy! You want to go on a job?" Happy asked.

Lucy smiled. "Sure but what do I pick? I've never been on a job before."

"Ask Gray or Erza to go with you." Lisanna suggested from the bar.

Lucy glanced over at Erza and Gray . Gray was drink and laughing with the older guild mates and Cana. Erza was currently going at it with Mira again for the 12 time that morning. She saw Mira pick up a chair.

"Umm... How do I get their attention?" Lucy asked. Erza had started throwing tables and chairs also. Lucy ducked as one flew by her head.

"Hey! Lucy needs to go on a job! Gray ! Erza!" Lisanna screamed at the top of her lungs.

"Thanks..." Lucy muttered messaging her ears. Lisanna smiled. She could be as evil as Mira sometimes. She went back to polishing the beer mugs.

"So you want to go on a job? Pick one and we'll help you." Erza said.

Lucy walked over to the request board. "What do I choose?"

There was one to find at lost dog, one to destroy a village of monsters, another for a lost cat, one to fix a stove...

"Oh, what about this one? It's to find a flute called Lullaby. It's 400,000 jewels." Lucy held the paper out to Erza. Before Erza could take it, Natsu materialized between them and took the paper.

Lullaby, sounds familiar. Natsu thought.

The guild froze at his appearance. Lucy could feel his barely restrained energy. Erza and Gray tensed, gathering magic for an attack. All around the guild, members were preparing for quick getaway in case a fight broke out.

"Now Natsu, that was rude. If you want to go on that request, then go as a group and work together. Lucy had it first." Master broke the tension. He appeared on the bar with a half empty mug of beer.

Natsu shot him a glare then handed the request to him. The Master looked at the picture of the flute closely. He paled. "On second thought, why don't you take. It shouldn't be a C level mission, it should be an S-class mission." He handed the request back to Natsu.

"Master! That's not fair. I was going with Lucy and Gray was also coming! I'm S-class wizard too." Erza argued.

Master sighed then an idea popped into his head. "Natsu, you're going to accompany them on this mission. No buts, got it you brats?"

The guild members around them seemed to die slowly. They were shocked. Natsu on a team mission with Erza and Gray ! That was the last thing they had expected to happen. Cana even dropped her beer barrel.

"I bet 1,000 jewels Natsu kills them before this is over." Wakaba said to Macao.

"I'll take that bet." He replied.

"Nah, I bet Erza and him destroy the town with Gray knocked out cold again." Cana yelled out from beneath her retrieved barrel of beer.

"No, no. The new girl kicks the bucket first." Max put in.

"I think Erza will die first then Gray then Lucy." Mira said.

All around the guild, bets were being placed. It seemed that Master's announcement made them forget they were suppose to be afraid of Natsu.

Natsu was getting more and more annoyed by the second. Before anyone could stop him, he grabbed Happy, Erza, Gray and Lucy and left the guild dragging them behind him. Master laughed as he saw them all leave together. It was going to be an interesting mission.

After they were gone, Lisanna and Elfman came up to him. "Was that such a good idea, Master?"

He sighed. "To be honest, I'm betting 5,000 jewels that Natsu finishes the quest while the others are locked in a hotel room somewhere. Either that or he kills them all."

"Master! Natsu's too manly for that!" Elfman yelled. Lisanna slapped his chest. He wasn't helping.

Master sighed again. "Anyways, I have to go to the Guild Masters Meeting. If anything happens, I'm leaving you in charge, Lisanna." He walked away and out the door.

"This is going to end badly." She told Elfman.

He slapped her on the back in a brotherly way. "They'll be fine. Natsu's too manly to destroy a mission. He'll protect them."

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