Chapter Eight

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Chapter 8

Natsu was scouting for the best way in when the rest arrived. Erza was sweating and looked pissed.

"How dare you leave us!" She said in between breaths.

Natsu ignored her. He reached out his hand only to have it pushed back by the force of the wind. He stood back and motioned for everyone to do the same. Confused, they complied. He took a deep breath and gave a soft mutter.

"Fire Dragon's Roar..." The energy shot out of his mouth and towards the windy wall. The two met in a large explosion of energy and power. In that second, a gap was created long enough for Natsu to teleport all of them inside the wall.

"What the hell? How did you that?" Gray asked.

Natsu didn't give him an answer ; he just kept walking. Inside, they were welcomed by a hoard of wizards. They were all pumped and ready to fight. Natsu (being Natsu) walked right up to the guy holding a flute like the one in the picture, only it was creepier in real life creepier. The flute had a skull on the top and three holes for controlling the pitch.

"Who are you?" The man asked.

When Natsu didn't answer, Erza did. "We're from Fairy Tail and we are here to take that Flute!"

He laughed and held it up."Oh, you want it? No one can take it from me or my name ain't Kageyama!"

Everyone laughed.

"Really, now. Kageyama,stop fooling around and give me the flute." A man floating on wind much like the wind outside said. He came the open window.

"Oh, Erigor! Here you go! I was just holding it for you!" Kageyama squeaked. Natsu didn't move from his position in front of him. Kageyama tossed the flute to Erigor before he disappeared out the window.

Erza was confused. "Natsu what are you doing? Go after him! We'll hold these guys off." She equiped into her Heaven's Wheel Armor. Gray made an ice sword and Lucy got Taurus's key ready.

Natsu sighed and punched Kageyama then walked back outside, leaving the rest to them. In a few seconds all the mages were defeated.

"They were actually really weak." Lucy comment.

"Aye! Like you!" Happy laughed.

Lucy then tried to grab Happy but he screamed and hid above Natsu. Natsu was standing in front of the wind wall.

"What are you waiting for?" Gray asked.

This time Natsu touched to wall and slowly orange energy built up around him. The wall slowly got lighter and lighter until it disappeared. He walked through and turned left, watching to sky.

Erza got very frustrated. "What in name of all that's holy and light are you doing!"

"I'm waiting for Cana to go away." His was was icy and cruel.

There was a popping sound and a flash. A card appeared in front of Natsu that read "I'm sorry. Please don't kill us."

("How did he know?" Max asked Cana. Cana was visibility shaken. "I don't know but it seems that Elfman is in the lead with his prediction that Natsu wouldn't fight anyone." More crying ensued, especially from Wakaba.)

"Huh!?" They all looked Natsu. He didn't offer an explanation. It was becoming repetitive.

"Hold on tight." Before they could ask what Natsu meant, they were flying through what looked like a vortex. They all felt Natsu's magic circle around them, keeping them from falling to pieces and lost in time. They heard Natsu sighing to himself, like he was disappointed they didn't disappear instead of following him. (Even though they all knew Natsu could have just dropped the barrier.) It took Gray , Lucy and Happy to hold Erza back.

Great, I really am stuck with these people. I can't get away rid of them. When I get my hands on Cana... Natsu thought to himself.

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