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'Movie night is the best night.'
A/N: [1] Some of these might not be from the 80s.

"What's a movie night?"  Eleven was still getting used to the things her friends did, movie night being one of them. "Is she serious?!" Lucas shouted but quickly shut up when Mike and (Y/N) glared at him. (Y/N) is the over protective mother of the group which people tease her for. "Movie night is where we get snacks, movies and we build a fort and watch them on the TV! It's fun El so don't worry!" (Y/N) smiled to the younger girl which caused her to smile back slightly. "GUYS! I BROUGHT THE SNACKS!" Dustin yelled from the top of the stairs while running down them. "Watch he trips" Lucas whispered to Mike who agreed. After a moment or so the four kids noticed him rolling down the stairs. "Dustin are you okay?" Will rushed down after his friend. "I'm good!"

"Sooo what snacks did you bring Dustin?" (Y/N) spoke as she walked over to him. "I got some drinks, Keebler Magic Middles, Pop Tarts, Chips and just some small things." [1] The girl nodded in approval before dragging her friend over to the others. "What's a fort?" El spoke up, looking very confused. Lucas was about to throw his hands up but (Y/N) elbowed him in the side. "Stop being rude Lucas!" The boys nodded. Mike began to explain what a fort was to El while the others had a conversation among themselves. "Who brought the movies?" Will raise his hand. "Jonathan helped me pick a few out, we've got Ghostbusters, The Goonies and I brought a horror for later I think it was A Nightmare on Elm Street." The boys all thanked Will for bringing the horror movie as it was one of their favourites. (Y/N) and El laid on the couch before the boys could sit down making it hard for them to fit on. They had only just started building the fort and already wanted a break. Dustin decided to lie on (Y/N) because she wouldn't move. "Get off asshole!" (Y/N) whisper-shouted down his ear, causing him to jump and land on the floor. "Ha!" The boys excluding Dustin all laughed with (Y/N) causing her to smile.

"The fort is done!" Mike yelled to the two younger girls who were upstairs. "Wanna race?" (Y/N) had a sly smirk when asking El because she knew she was faster. Eleven nodded her head before dashing towards the boys. "Hey that's cheating!" Quickly, following the girl. "El won by 0.02 seconds!" Mike shouted as the girls reached the fort at the same time. "Mike, how can you even calculate that?" (Y/N) glared at him. He laughed before opening the blanket door. "Welcome to the fort of the week!" Mike declared while El looked around. The boys had used half of the room for the fort so they could fit the large tv in. "Pretty." (Y/N) agreed with El. The two girls sat on the floor while the boys took the couch. They didn't mind. "Let's start with The Goonies! It's my favourite!" (Y/N) shouted before anyone else could choose. "Alright." (Y/N)'s face lit up as her best friend, Dustin agreed. He smiled at her.

After finished The Goonies and The Ghostbusters, it was around 9pm. They were all sleeping over so they didn't care about the time. Will picked up the horror which caused the girls to pull faces. "There's no way El is watching a horror movie! She will have nightmares!" (Y/N) said as she was very protective of her female friend. "Sounds like somebody is a wimp, if it makes you feel better I'll sit with you scaredy cat!" Dustin laughed, moving to sit next to his best friend. "I'm not a wimp." She murmured. Will came to sit back down next to Mike and El while Lucas was spread out on the couch. "Let's just get it over with." Mike said, Eleven agreeing with him. She'd never admit she was scared. The movie started and Will shushed everyone. He'd never seen this movie and if Jonathan had suggested it, it must be good.

Once the movie had finished, Will switched the lights on. "That movie was awesom- (Y/N) are you alright?" (Y/N) wasn't scared but being sat behind Dustin made her feel much safer. "Yeah I'm fine!" "I told you that you were a scaredy cat." Dustin laughed along with everyone while the young girl tried to hide her embarrassment.

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