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'Woah princess!'
Requested by msmonet0920
A/N: sorry if this is nothing like you wanted I'll rewrite it if you aren't happy with it!

"Who's that?" Richie asked Bev pointing at the new girl. Bev turned around and looked. "Oh that's Ashley! She's really nice I invited her to the Barrens later." Richie thought her glasses were cool, they were twinning. "What? you got a crush Tozier?" Bev laughed. "Me? A crush? No way!" Bev shook her head. "I 'believe' you Richie." She said as she got up and walked away. "Hey wait up! What does that mean?"

Ashley walked down towards the 'Barrens' she thought it was just were the drainage pipes led but apparently down there is a meeting place for a group called the losers' club. Beverly seems cool so she presumed her friends would be. "Ah!" Ashley misplaced her foot and slid down a muddy hill. "Woah princess falling for me already?" Her head shot up at the voice. Richie Tozier. He was in her class, he was pretty cute. "You wish!" She said laughing as he helped her up. "Thanks." She smiled at him, the first thing he noticed were her dimples. "You are so cut- I mean uh!" She laughed and walked further into the Barrens. "Thanks Tozier!" She winked at the blushing boy.

"Ashley welcome!" Bev shouted as she saw her push through some trees. She waved at the group. Richie soon followed after her tripping over a branch. "Woah princess falling for me already?" She mocked. He looked up at her and laughed. "Very funny hot stuff." Ashley walked away blushing and sat with Beverly. "So I'm guessing you've already met Richie." She nodded. "My names Eddie, this is Mike, Ben an-" Eddie was interrupted by the one boy Ashley didn't know the name of yet. "And m-my name is b-Bill." So that's who stuttering bill was, she'd heard Henry and his gang talking about him before. "Nice to meet you all!"

Ashley began walking away from the Barrens, she had to be home early for tea but she enjoyed hanging out with the losers' club. Bill told amazing stories, Richie told bad jokes but they were still hilarious and the others were just so much fun to hang around with. "Hey Ashley wait up!" She turned to the voice to see it was Richie. "I don't know if you've heard about the murders but it's not safe to be on your own." She rolled her eyes playfully, of course she'd heard about it. "Let me guess you want to be cliché and walk me home?" Richie had a sheepish grin on his face. "Yeah..." she smiled and tugged his arm. "Let's go then my knight in shining armour!" He sighed happily, he really liked her she was so cute.

"Did he seriously do that?!" She giggled at his reaction. "Yes it was crazy!" They both looked at each other and burst out laughing. "You know you aren't as bad as people say you are Tozier." He smiled before shouting. "What do you mean as bad as people say?!" She placed her hand on his shoulder. "Hey I've caught you staring at my ass today don't deny it!" Truth was she didn't care, he's a hormonal perverted teenager he is discovering manhood. He blushed and looked away. "I didn't think you'd notice." She walked backwards with her hands behind her back. "I'm very observant Tozier."

She ran to her front door with Richie chasing after her. She slipped on the last step and dragged him down with her. "Sorry! It was slippy from the rain!" He didn't say anything. He was too busy looking at her brown eyes. "Your eyes are a beautiful shade you know?" She giggled at how cliché this was. "God Tozier are you going to kiss me or n-" she was cut off by Richie. They both smiled into the kiss. Ashley and Richie didn't hear the door open but they did hear the squeals of her mother. "Ashley! Invite the boy in he's staying for dinner!" They both sat up. "Well I guess we better call your mother." Richie laughed and rested his head on her shoulder. "I guess we should princess."

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