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title; I can't believe you!
words; 540
note; part two of 'would they cheat?' for @maryisunoriginal. aged up!! this is a mess.

"bill we heading to sch-." y/n's voice got stuck in her throat as looked at her now ex boyfriend. there he was. one of greta's minions sat on his lap, her lipstick smudged on his face. y/n shook her head and groaned. she wasn't surprised, he was acting so weird and was beginning to treat her like shit.

"do you mind?" greta's plastic bitch said, her arms wrapped loosely around his neck. y/n rolled her eyes and flipped them both off. "fuck you and fuck you denbrough, we are done." he scoffed and flipped her off. she raised her eyebrows and walked out of the house.

now, y/n wasn't the type of girl to give a shit over things like this but being cheated on with one of greta's friends. boy that pushed her over the line but the boy in there didn't seem like her bill and she knew that. she kicked open the front school door.

it'd smashed loudly against the wall, gaining the attention of everyone. she looked pissed. nobody dared to get in her way. richie spotted the girl and made his way over. "hey hot stu-." he paused as she rushed over and hugged him tightly. not one tear fell, she just stood there. shaking.

"he cheated rich." richie sighed and ran his hand through her hair, trying his best to comfort his best friend. eddie and stan joined the hug shortly after. bill entered the school building with another girl by his side. everyone went mental. all the jocks praising him for getting some and the popular girls chewing their lips. y/n rolled her eyes for the fifth time today at them.

eddie, stan and richie made their way over to him, y/n trailing behind. "you're a dick, denbrough!" richie shouted at him, adjusting his glasses out of nervousness. y/n tugged on his arm. she just wanted to skip and go smoke with her best friend. it felt like the whole school was watching.

"am I rich? you've probably been fucking her behind my back!" bill pushed him backwards slightly. stan was fuming. "I can't believe you! y/n and richie are best friends! nothing more!" stan's voice was cracking as he shouted. he truly felt betrayed by bill's actions, he hurt his friend and he wasn't getting away with it. eddie flipped him off.

beverly, ben and mike rushed over to the scene and comforted y/n. the whole school stood and watched as the four broke their friendship off. "I don't wanna be friends with someone who can't keep his dick in his pants." bill laughed. "speak for yourself richie." yes richie was a huge pervert but he knew right from wrong and would never cheat. that sentence set him off. eddie and stan dragged him off. bev, y/n, ben and mike following.

the jocks crowded around bill. questions flew at him from all directions, he finally felt popular but his ex friends felt betrayed and stupid. little did he know, his actions would make him lose the love of his life.

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