Chapter 10: Not Spell Immune

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Chapter 10: Not Spell Immune

Rin's P.O.V

I feel something strange going on... I feel like i'm being watched... or tracked... Wait, a tracking spell?! No, it can't be, I'd feel it and be able to block it. Maybe i'm just tired.

"Rin? Your icecream's gonna melt, eat it." Akira said.

I looked at her and sighed. "I'm tired."

She raised an eyebrow. "Its 5:36 P.M." 

"I don't know... I feel like i'm being watched, or a tracking spell is being cast on me, but I can't block it."

"Why? Didn't you say you were a noble?"  

"I am, well i was. But, it doesn't mean i'm not a strong assassin, I should be able to block it... I don't even know if its being cast on me."

Akise sat quietly on the couch, eating his icecream.

"Akise? Let's share souls, tell me if you can block it." I looked over at him.

"Souls? The Soul Exchange spell?"

"Erh, yeah.." I twirled my fingers.

"Um... I don't know that spell..." He looked down.

Wait what? That's the first spell you're teached -.-'

"You don't? You were never taught?"

"I wasn't a noble! I was a slave, i'm self-taught. So, I never managed to find The Book of The Reaper."

I nodded slowly. "Akira.. are warriors able to feel tracking spells?"

She shook her head. "Nope."

My eyes widened. "They could find us!"

"Warriors aren't able to feel it, but I am.", She smiled proudly.

I sighed. "Do you think...Warriors and Assassins could exchange souls? I really think my magic is getting weak."

She flicked my forehead. "Rin! You should know this! You can't exchange souls unless you're the same magic user, and magic can't get weak, unless a really strong noble uses the ancient forbidden spell...Trance Magic."

"Then, i'm just tired, right?"

"Probably." She looked over at my icecream. "It melted." 

I shrugged. "I'm going to sleep."

Akise waved at me and put his headphones on.

Akira pouted and crossed her arms. "Fiiine."

I went upstairs and looked for a room with a bed. I found one but it was really boyish... Meh.

Falling asleep is so hard... Am I really just tired? I looked out the window. "Ri-ven" I managed to get out.

My heart burned. "Riven.."

Why did I say her name?

I felt a familiar presence approaching from outside. 

I hurried downstairs to Akira. "Akira..Akira, I don't know what's happening..."

Akira went up to me. "What's wrong?" She asked, worried.

"I suddenly said my old childhood friends name unconsciously, that happens when a tracking-spell is being used!"

"You'd be able to block it!" 

"No...I don't know..."

Akise took his headphones out, concerned.

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