Chapter 18: Reality or Not?

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Chapter 18: Reality or Not?

Rin's P.O.V (Yep, folks! She's back!)

It's been four weeks since I've reunited with my old childhood friends, Riven and Aisaka. We all now live at a new place in Bonbon Hills. (Weird name, I know) i've had happy and cheerful days since then, there's nothing to worry about anymore. A huge weight has been lifted off of me and I feel complete.

"Ai-chan!" I hugged Aisaka. 

Aisaka hugged me back. "Rin!" She smiled.

A grin was forced on my face "Where's Riven? And Akira?" I asked.

"They're at the icecream shop with Akise, getting us like..5 scoops!" She laughed.

"Oooh!" I couldn't wait. Ice-cream has always been my favorite.

"Rin, you do know we're going to the mission in five days, right? You haven't trained at all!" Aisaka scolded.

"Well, sorry. I am too busy sitting on the couch..and watching anime."

She flicked my forehead. "Don't be an idiot, Rin! You have to train in order to reach Beyond The Mythical Souls!"

*sigh* "Whoopee...Can't wait." I said with a full bucket of sarcasm.

"I'm not playing around Rin, if we don't defeat the Soul Reaper, we'll be trapped in the underworld. This is a really serious mission Rin, me, Riven, and Akira have been training for 2 weeks! And you? All you're doing is being lazy!" 

"Sorry, mom. But, i'm really not interested. Can I just wait for my ice-cream while watching anime?"

Aisaka gave me a death glare. "No."


"So all I do is show you all I've got?" I asked.

Aisaka smiled. "Oh, Rin...You think we're gonna go easy on you? You're so cute!" She pinched my cheeks.

My eyes opened wide. I'm scared... I'm scared... Aisaka has gone insane! Help me, lord!

"O-Of course ..not.." I stuttered in fear.

She smiled again innocently. "Oooohhh... Well let's get started!"

Aisaka has always been cute and energetic at fun and happy times. But at bad times, or serious situations, even sometimes when she wants to freaking kill you...she is the most fearsome creature in the world. You must stay away from her at times like these.. I can feel the pressure...

"Om Bishi Bishi Un Un!" I teleported to the tip of the mountain.

There were Buzzing Sunders up there. If you get bitten by one, you either get hallucinated or die. 1/3 chance of hallucinating. 2/3 of dying.

I took out my daggers and stood on the tip in a rogue form, keeping my balance. When the Buzzing Sunders came close right up to my face. About 268 of them, I cut them in 10 pieces all at once. They were all about 5 meters big. "Die, peasants."

I had manuever gear on, that's why I aimed my grapple-hook at a big tree and landed on the big branch.

"Wa-la." I smiled at Aisaka.

Akira laughed. "That's my Rin!"

Riven looked at me smirking, impressed. "You do well, rookie."

"Rookie? Who you callin' a rookie?" I laughed.

"Joking, joking." 

Aisaka looked at me with a dead stare, and suddenly changed her expression.

S-SO SCARY O.O But..I know she's impressed and proud of me. ^^

"Rin, you lack strategy. We need to work on that..All you did was sway around your daggers like it's that easy to kill Soul Reaper. You need a real opponent, i'll get you one. " She flipped her hair and smiled. "I have one right here!" She twirled and bowed stretching her dress.


"Aisaka, don't be ridic-" I was interrupted by everything becoming dark. Darkness surrounded me..

"Aisaka? Riven? Akira? Akise?!" I yelled at them. They didn't speak...they just stood there with scary-wide open eyes and fell to the ground, like they were puppets that stopped being controlled.

"You..guys.." I looked at them in shock.

Everything became darker and darker. 

There, right at that moment...

I remembered everything.

Right...when I woke up.

My eyes opened. I was no longer at The Beam...In fact, I was at Bonbon Hills. I remembered everything from the trance dream. And everything from- wait...what am I saying? Where am I? What was I talking about again? Why Am I here?

I started running as fast as I can. I was confused, I didn't know what was going on...

"HELP! SOMEONE!" I cried.

I finally tripped over a branch and sat on the floor.

I'm lost...

"HELP! ANYBODY?! I DON'T KNOW WHERE I AM! PLEASE! HELP" I started crying, "..please.."

A cliff hanger, so sorry c; I'm an evil demon from another world who likes to see people suffer! gomenasai<3

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