Chapter 42

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I woke up the next morning with a little headache. I looked around and saw that someone had been in bed with me. I got up quickly heading to the kitchen. On the counter was a note.

I went out. Don't bother waiting for me. Won't be back soon


I placed the note down and went back to my bedroom. I went to shower getting ready for work. Once I was ready I walked out the my apartment seeing lane waiting for me by the car." And Harry". She asked opening the door for me. I waited for her to get inside." He's not home. I think he's mad at me lane"." Why" she said driving me to work." Because of what happen last night I guess." Lane shook her head." He has to understand your pain Karla. To be honest with you I don't like him"." Why not"." I just don't know". I didn't say anything." Do you know where he is"." No"." I'll see if I can find him for you...just because I love you". I smiled at her." Thanks lane". We arrived to work. Transenaga was the name of the business Oleg made for me. I went inside heading straight to my office. I couldn't work at all. All I could think of was Harry. Harry was all up in my mind. I heard a knock in my door. I got up quickly thinking it could be Harry. When I opened the door it was Trevor." Hi Trevor" I said letting him in." Hey Karla"." In what may I help you" I said." I came to give you the papers". I took the file and started to look through them. When all of a sudden Trevor kissed me roughly. He placed me on too the desk trying to spread my legs open but I tried pushing him away from me. " stop!". I said when I finally got him off me." What the fuck is your problem"." I couldn't help it karla. I like you A lot"." Well I don't Trevor. I have a boyfriend who I love very much"." Don't mind him. He doesn't deserve you"." Well even if he doesn't I'm not leaving him for you now get out my office". Before he did he gave me another kiss and I slapped him." Don'" he left my office with a smirk on his face. I sat down. He was unbelievable. I would never leave Harry not ever. I went back to work. I had lots of meetings and papers to fill. I finally got home around 10:00 when I found the lights turned on. Harry was home. I ran to our bedroom and I found Harry there packing his stuff." Harry what are you doing" I said walking towards him." Get away from me you slut"." What!"." You heard me. Your such a damn slut"." Harry why-"." DONT ACT DUMB KARLA! I SAW YOU!!"." HARRY WHAT ARE YOU TALKING ABOUT"." I LEAVE THE HOUSE FOR A BIT AND WHEN I GO LOOK FOR YOU I SEE YOU ALREADY SPREADING YOUR LEGS FOR SOME OTHER GUY". That's when I got it. Harry probably went to go see me at work and when he did he saw Trevor kissing me." Harry I can explain-"." THERES NOTHING YOU NEED TO EXPLAIN! I SAW YOU!"." LET ME TALK HARRY"." NO I DONT NEED YOU TOO BECAUSE I KNOW WHAT I SAW KARLA! I KNOW WHAT I SAW". I started crying." DONT FUCKING CRY! IM GLAD YOU DID THIS SO I HAVE A REASON TO LEAVE"." A REASON?!"." YES A REASON. GOSH I WANTED TO LEAVE SUCH A LONG TIME AGO. I DONT EVEN KNOW WHY I LEFT MY JOB FOR YOU. YOURE NOT WORTH ANYTHING". At this point I was in bawling in tears. I whipped them away looking up at Harry." Well then leave Harry...nothing is stopping you know". I looked at his face and all I could see was regret of saying that. I walked out the bedroom." Karla wait". I grabbed my purse. I sniffled as I talked." I'll have lane come help you pack you're stuff and get you back home in London". I walks to the door and opened it." Kitt-"." Don't! Call me that anymore Harry. You wanted to end this well there you go". I looked at him one last time. He was crying." It was nice meeting you Harry". I closed the door and ran down the hallway crying. I ran all the way to Oleg's club. I went through all the people that were there since it was open. I ran up the stairs heading to his office. I didn't even mind to knock I just burst through his door. He was sitting on the couch and I sat next to him hugging him." Kala what happen"." H-Harry left me" I said in between sobs." Why?". I explained everything that happened to him. He placed my head in his shoulders." Don't worry it's alright...what do you want me to do"." Tell lane to go help him pack up. He wants to go back home"." Sure. I'll tell her and you'll move in right next me so I'll tell her to also pack your stuff". I just nodded my head. It was over. I didn't want to lose him but he wanted to go back home and I couldn't stop him from wanting that.

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