Why Didn't You Help Me?

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You, the members and Jimin stayed frozen, looking at each other, still very much in disarray at the information that BOSS retained. But as the tension brushed over, it was interrupted by the boy standing in the doorway of the room.

"Wait, Taejun is here? Where?" he asked, oblivious to your form sitting on top of the desk. Hearing his words, you rolled your eyes, ignoring his remark and facing BOSS instead, saying quietly but sternly: "How do you even know all this information? How did you even collect it?"

She raised a finger to her lips, which were curled up in a smile as she glanced over at you. Teasingly, she said,"I have my secrets." 

Conceding, you groaned as you caressed your temple with your hand. From the corner of your eye, you could still spot Jimin, who was still confused as to what was going on. Releasing your face from your hand, you flipped your bangs to the side as you jumped off of the desk surface. Patting Same's head, you walked towards him, dragging Jimin by the back of his shirt into the hallway, slamming the door behind you as you walked out. 

In the empty hallway, you let him go, letting him rub the place where you had grabbed him. Looking at you sternly, he complained,"Hey, what's your problem?! I just asked where Taejun is and you treat me this roughly. Aren't you afraid of an idol reporting your actions to the league head?!"

"Who would be afraid of that bullshit head you talk about? I'm surprised that you're still as stupid as when I had left the school, dumbass," you replied irritably, crossing your arms. Hearing your voice clearly now, it seemed that his whole act dropped. 

"Taejun? Is that you?" he asked, gulping nervously. 

Looking at his flabbergasted form, your eyes narrowed. "No shit. I'm totally not Taejun you know, even when I have the same face and voice as her," you said sarcastically while pausing, letting him take everything in before speaking again. "What are you doing here anyway? How did you even get in?

Hearing your words, the usual annoying smile formed on his face. "Everyone has their secrets. You interested?" he asked. That line. It was the same line that he had spoken to you a year ago before you left. Back then, you hadn't blamed him. But now, it was different. Clenching your jaw, your hands tightened into fists as you looked darkly at him. Witnessing your sudden change in demeanor, his smile fell. 

Slowly, you uttered out your words. Everything you had wanted to say to him when you had left but you didn't get the chance to. 

"Why didn't you help me?"

The words seemed to ring inside both his head and yours. It seemed like a deafening silence until his eyes softened when he saw your tense form, wanting a proper excuse for not helping you during that needed time. Lowering his head, he admitted everything.

"I'm sorry. I really am. That day, I realized I should've helped you, but I didn't. I was scared. Scared of being attacked, scared of saving you. But with the past year, I finally got out of my head and discerned fantasy from reality. I stopped sleeping around and flirting with girls. I stopped everything that I knew you hated; for one reason. To be with you," he said faintly, not daring to look up and see what expression you wore on your face right now. 

Your face was one of misery. In this time, apologies didn't matter anymore. There was nothing he or anyone else could do to get you out of this horrid place. 

"It's too late," you muttered under your breath.

"Huh?" he said looking up. But as he looked up, his eyes widened as he saw your pained expression. 

"It's too late. I won't accept your apology," you replied coldly. He was about to speak when you cut him off. 

" Are you kidding me? Why would I? You didn't help me when I was being attacked. And you didn't help me leave the scene. Now you say you want to be with me? I hardly know you, and even if I did, I wouldn't like you the same way you do with me. No. I don't like you. I despise you. And I would appreciate it if you never showed your face to me again," you said, turning around and entering the HD room again without hesitation, leaving the dumbfounded Jimin behind in the hallway. 


Jimin's POV

You stood there, bewildered at Taejun's reaction. Even though you knew she didn't like you, you had never expected her to let you down completely. You understood that she had a new life as a new person named Mary, but the guilt that settled over you sat within your heart as you took out the book again. Looking at the cover of the book, you heaved a sigh. 

"It's not her fault. She has every right to hate me," you said to yourself quietly. But your thoughts were disrupted by a tap on the back of your shoulder. Turning around, you met eyes with a man who covered most of his face with a mask. 

"Ne, did you make Mary cry?" he said. His voice was not angry or defiant, it was one of curiosity. You shook your head, still estranged at this person's presence. You didn't sense him at all. Seeing your response, he whined. 

"Aw, I would've liked to see that girl cry just once in my lifetime." 

Looking confused as to why this man would want to see Taejun cry, you stood there silently, ready to punch him if needed. Looking at your tense face, he laughed. 

"Hold up there boy, no need to be threatening. Name's Necromancer, oldest of the HD sect. Nice to meet you...human boy," he said, sticking out a hand. You looked hesitantly at his outstretched hand but shook it. His eyes smiled at you as he then took back his hand, patting your shoulder as he walked past you to the door. 

"You should be glad that you aren't a Charm. Otherwise, you would've died at my hands for hurting her already," he said. And with that, he entered the room, closing the door behind him. You stood there, startled at his lowkey-menacing words. But his words made it seem as if he liked her; that made you jealous.   

"I will be near her, even if she doesn't want me to. I'll find a way to protect her from the shadows, even if she hates me even more for it. And if she forgives me, I'll be able to deliver this book to her," you thought to yourself as you looked down at the book in your hands. 

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