Burn Fire With Fire

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Jimin's POV

"Jimin. We need your help right now," said Taejun's voice from the other end of the phone. 

"Huh? What do you mean? You just called me for the first time in forever and I'm unable to comprehend the situation," you replied, your brows furrowing.

"Of course you can't. You're an idiot, it takes you about a century to catch on to what I'm saying," said Taejun sarcastically. 


You heard a soft sigh from the other end of the phone and a rustling noise—what you could only assume was her ruffling her hair; a usual habit of hers when she was anxious. 

"Anyway. Come over to the dorm, there are things we need to talk about."

With that, the call ended with a beep. You groaned, falling back onto your bed. What did she need to so urgently talk about? BOSS had had the conversation with you about your trust towards the group. Was that it? Were they going to kill you? No, that couldn't be it...right?

Shaking off your worries, you quickly put on a collared black shirt with dress pants and shoes. If you were going to get killed, you might as well dress better than you usually did. At least you would die looking handsome. Heading to the dormitory, a young boy that you had never seen before opened the door for you; eyeing you up and down in distaste. Looking closely, he kind of looked like Edward. 

"Come in. Sister is waiting for you," he said formally with much due respect. 

'Ah. Rich kid. No wonder he talks that way,' you thought as you made your way into the living room. You were appalled at how large the dormitory for HD sect was. But your attention was again directed to the HD members sitting in a circle on individual chairs in the living room along with two other boys who you had never seen before. They looked like twins, but at the same time, they didn't. Taking your seat, you nervously gulped. 

'Is this some sort of cult thing? Is this how they're going to kill me?' you thought as sweat began to form on the back of your neck. 

"Relax, we ain't going to kill you through a cult,' said Puppet Master from his beanbag. BOSS restrained herself from bursting out into laughter; her lips pursed. 

"Getting to the problem at hand...it's time to test your trust again Jeon Jimin," said Taejun from her individual couch. Her hand folded over her other on her lap. 

"My father...no, that man...I'm sure you've heard about him... somewhat," she continued, looking at her hands that were now fiddling with themselves.

"He has decided to inject the serum that Citrix had tried to build into himself. That serum is artificial Charm—it goes against the natural order of how Charm appears. He's playing with the strings of death. He wants to take over the world. Usually, I'd say something like 'what is he? Some stereotypical villain?' Maybe. His insanity has taken over him and now we need to destroy it before the world falls into his hands," she finished. 

Citrix. The name echoed in your mind. Was the thing he injected into his arm the failed version of that Serum? Even in that monstrous form, he was still able to kill many of the Charms. Now that the serum has been completely developed, what kind of power will that inhibit? Looking up to meet Taejun's eyes, you saw that there was no life in them. She had already accepted her father's fate. 

"Well, what cards will you bet?" asked the blonde haired boy from next to Taejun. Looking towards him, I finished making my decision. 

"Whatever cards I will bet won't matter. All that will matter is what I need to do to accomplish this task," you replied, your tone as serious as it will ever be.

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